Flashback: Sick Kids (fluff)

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Flashback to when the twins were three months old.

"Tsuki! Come here quickly!" Kakashi yelled from the nursery.

Tsuki, who was putting the kettle on the stove to make tea, set everything down and ran to the nursery.

"What?! What's wrong, Kashi?!" Tsuki turned the corner of the door frame to see what Kakashi was so urgently yelling about.

"I need your help..." Kakashi said as he turned around. Kai and Kanari were laying on the changing tables, crying.

She looked down and saw the torso of Kakashi's shirt completely soaked.

"What happened to you?" Tsuki asked.

"I was in the middle of changing their diapers and Kai peed all over me..." Kakashi said holding his arms away from his body.

Tsuki held her stomach as she laughed,"Go change your shirt, Hatake.. I'll take over.." she walked up and started changing the twins.

"You're the best.." he said carefully peeling his shirt off his body and holding it with outstretched arms. He walked in his bedroom and began changing.

Tsuki tried cooing the twins to calm then down and stop their crying, but it wasn't working. They'd never cried this badly before. As she began securing them in new diapers she felt their skin and felt that they were both hot.

"Kakashi!" She yelled so Kakashi could hear from the other room,"Bring the thermometer when you come back here!"

Kakashi rushed and grabbed the thermometer,"What for?" He handed it to her.

Tsuki took both of their temps. 102 and 101.9.

"I think they're sick.." Tsuki said calmly.

Kakashi grabbed at his hair like a madman,"Sick?! They're only three months old!! Are they gonna die?!?? Oh God, Tsuki they're gonna die!!!!" Kakashi was a very overly concerned dad at this moment.

"Calm down, Kashi! They're not gonna die. Why would you think that?" Tsuki said.

"Everyone in my life always dies somehow!" Kakashi said, still freaking out and pacing around the room.

"Kashi, calm down, they're gonna be fine they just have a little cold.." Tsuki said in her most soothing voice she could.

He started packing the diaper bag,"That's it, were going to the hospital."

Tsuki grabbed Kakashi's arms,"We don't need to go to the hospital. We only go to the hospital if we can't manage their symptoms at home, dummy."

Kakashi was still worried, he was just pacing back and forth in the room, not knowing what to do.

Tsuki opened their mouth and saw that the back of their throats were red and probably sore, they had a slight cough, and their bodies were hot.

Tsuki started undressing them just to their diapers and went to go run a tepid bath for them to try and get their temperatures down.

"Tsuki, tell me what to do because I'm panicking here. I can't believe they're sick. Was it something I did?"

She grabbed his shoulders,"Hatake, get ahold of yourself! If you wanna help, go to the store and get some medicine for them to take.."

"Medicine.....medicine.." Kakashi said rubbing his chin. He nodded,"Ok yeah medicine. I can do that."

Kakashi slipped on his sandals and headed towards the closest drug store.

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