Inside Kanari's Mind

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"Oh hello! Thank you for coming on such short notice, Ino." Kakashi greeted the Yamanaka girl as she entered the Hokage's office.

"Of course, Lord Kakashi" she bowed as she walked to the front of the desk.

"Will you drop the Lord part?" He said with a sigh, knowing people weren't going to.

Ino giggled,"No."

Tsuki laughed, Kakashi did not like the title of Lord, it made it sound like he was above everybody else. Kai and Kanari were running around the office chasing and playing with Pakkun

"Well anyway." Kakashi said,"Ino, I summoned you because I need you to use your Jutsu to look into Kanari's mind and tell us what you see." He then explained the whole back story of the moonstones, the Ozawa clan, and Kai and Kanari's involvement.

Ino was shocked,"I was wondering why they've developed so fast! Kanari made it all the way into the forest, eh?"

Tsuki sighed,"Unfortunately. She was almost 20 minutes outside of the village. She said she felt like she was being pulled to walk. I suspect she's being pulled towards the other moonstone."

"Sure thing! It'll be really fast, she's only a year old so she won't have many memories to sift through." Ino said with a smile.

"Please sit.." Kakashi stood and gestured to the couch in his office. He stood and walked over to the chair and sat. Tsuki sat next to Ino on the couch.

"Kana! Come here for a sec, baby." Tsuki motioned for her and Kanari came running over. Tsuki pulled her up to her lap.

Ino squealed,"Ahhh! She's so cute! When she gets older, Lord Sixth, you're going to have to swat away boys left and right!"

Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose and leaned forward,"God don't tell me that.." Kakashi was never gonna be ready for when his daughter started dating.

Ino giggled,"You know I remember when Sakura told me that she thought something was going on between you two. It's crazy to think she was right.. and now you have two little ones running around!"

Tsuki smiled,"Yeah the past couple of years have been a rollercoaster to say the least." Kakashi puts his elbows on his knees and smiled under his mask. Tsuki caught him staring at her, making her blush slightly.

"Mommy what are we doing?" Kanari looked up at her mom. Tsuki stared back into her daughter's blue eyes.

"Kana, this is Ino. She knew you since you were first born, but she hasn't seen you since you got so big!" Tsuki said.

"Eeee-no!" Kanari said.

"That's right!" Ino said smiling at the young girl,"So Kanari, your mom and dad want me to look into your mind really quick with my jutsu. Is that ok with you?"

"Will it hurt?" She asked. Kakashi chuckled.

"No, not at all. In fact, it'll be so quick you won't even know I did it!"

"Okay then..." Kanari said

Ino placed her hand on the little girls forehead and Kanari fell asleep in Tsuki's arms.

"Awww..." Ino said,"She loves you guys so much it's the cutest thing."

Kakashi and Tsuki's hearts fluttered.

"Okay, so I see what she means by this 'pull'" Ino continued,"It literally feels like a magnet to her. She doesn't know what the moonstone looks like but she's aware of the fact that she's being pulled towards it because you guys told her about."

"Ahh, that must have been from when we first started training them." Tsuki said.

"This feeling only started occurring after she activated her Kekkei genkai. She knows that Kai has the same pull but he's already close enough to the other moonstone so he doesn't feel like he needs to move towards it."

She removed her hand and Tsuki laid Kanari down on the couch next to her to continue sleeping.

"She wants you to go with her to retrieve the second moonstone. Otherwise, eventually she won't be able to resist the 'pull'"

Kakashi sighed,"It would be extremely dangerous to take her out of the village to find the stone with Shin's location still unknown.... At the same time, she's going to keep trying to leave the village on her own unless we take her..."

Tsuki stroked her daughter's hair,"This is a tough one."

"Another thing" Ino said,"She won't leave the village without Kai.  They're too close to be separated like that."

"And Kai won't leave the village if the other moonstone is here..." Kakashi said,"This complicates things even more..."

"Are you saying we have to take Kanari and Kai and the moonstone we already possess." Tsuki said,"That's...that's extremely dangerous!"

Kakashi crossed his arms and looked at the ceiling, trying to figure out how he could make this work.

Tsuki looked at him, hoping he'd use his abilities as a skilled tactician to come up with some other solution. She sure couldn't think of any at the moment.

"There's literally no other way.." Kakashi said with a disappointing tone,"We just need to gather an elite team to go so that they and the moonstone are protected. Obviously including Tsuki and I.."

"Who do you have in mind, Lord Sixth?" Ino said.

"It might have to be a larger group, considering we don't know how many members of the Ozawa clan there are out there." Kakashi said,"I might ask the Kazekage to see if he could spare a few of his jonin as well."

"Ugh, why does it feel like we're getting ready for another war.." Tsuki sighed.

"Let me have Shikamaru send out a few messages." Kakashi said,"Can you please go get him for me, Ino?"

"Of course, Lord Sixth!" Ino made her way out of the office.

"This whole situation gives me bad vibes." Tsuki said,"But I understand we need to do this to get ahold of the other moonstone."

"I don't like the idea of taking Kai and Kanari outside of the village either, but don't worry, we'll figure it out.."

"I hope so."

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now