Fighting the Ozawa

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"You've got a lot of nerve showing your face after what you've done, Shin!" Kakashi spat.

The Ozawa clan slowly started surrounding the small shinobi team.

"Oh?" Shin said mockingly,"And what are you going to do about it, Kakashi Hatake?" Kakashi took his daughter from Tsuki's arms and growled out of frustration.

"I already have the Chojougan princess's eye, all I need to do now is take the moonstones and the twins and I'll have succeeded in my task..."

"Daddy, this is the bad guy right?" Kanari said in a scared voice.

"Right Kana, don't worry we won't let him get to you." Kakashi reassured her, squeezing her tighter. He was trying to figure out how to fight while holding her in his arms, Tsuki was doing the same as she held onto Kai.

Everyone else was in a fighting stance as well, and Naruto had already summoned enough shadow clones to match the number of Ozawa clan members they were facing.

Kai held onto Tsuki's neck, trembling in fear at Shin peering down at them.

"Shikamaru!" Tsuki asked,"What's the best course of action here?"

"Well, were clearly outnumbered, even if Naruto summons shadow clones they're still not as valuable a fighter as a real person.  And there's too many of them for us to run away"

"So what do we do?!" Rock Lee ask

"Lady Hatake, since you're the only one with a Chojougan, I think you need to have someone else hold onto Kai, so that you're available to fight Shin!" Shikamaru explained,"Same goes for you Lord Sixth, besides Naruto, you're our strongest fighter, we can't have you preoccupied holding Kanari!"

"Pass him off?!" Tsuki said,"I can't let my children out of my sight!"

Kakashi scowled, knowing it was the only option, but he still didn't want to accept the idea of letting someone else besides him watch over his daughter and son,"It's out of the question, Shikamaru!"

"Let me hold onto them, Kakashi-sensei." Naruto said outstretching his hand, I can protect them with the nine-tails. And still use my shadow clones to fight." Naruto said.

Kakashi and Tsuki looked at each other for a moment and eventually nodded, coming to the conclusion that this was the only way.  Tsuki walked next to Kakashi but before they could both walk over to Naruto, Shin rained down fire from above across the entire group, Tsuki quickly passed Kai to Kakashi and activated her Chojougan to disperse the fire.

She jumped into action, clearly there was no time to stand around, Shin was already on the offensive. Kakashi got separated from Naruto as the Ozawa clan began to rush in and he was stuck evading attacks while the twins occupied both of his arms.

"Daddy I'm scared!" Kanari said.

"I've got you..." He reassured her in a calm voice,"Just hold onto me.."

Tsuki in the meantime came face to face with Shin at the top of the waterfall as they began to get into a Taijutsu fight once again with all five nature types flying out with every punch and kick.  She occasionally glanced down to make sure Kakashi and the twins were okay, but she couldn't focus on them as much as she wanted to.

"Come and get it!" Ten-Ten yelled out as she unraveled scrolls that shot out kunai, cutting down multiple enemies at once.

"Leaf Hurricane!" Lee was taking on a handful of enemies himself.

Kakashi was still evading attacks, allowing his team members to watch his back.

"Shadow possession Jutsu complete!" Shikamaru said as enemies stopped in their tracks just before they reached Kakashi and the twins.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now