Training the Twins Again

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"Mommy, daddy... Where are your clothes?" One of the twins said. Kakashi and Tsuki sat up quickly in bed, Tsuki held the sheets over her torso. They looked and saw their children standing in their bedroom looking at them while they were naked under the covers. Tsuki and Kakashi's eyes widened.

Kakashi panicked and wrapped himself in the top sheet and stood up from the bed, leaving Tsuki with the comforter "Uhhh um, no reason! Mommy and daddy got hot last night so we took our clothes off!" Kakashi couldn't think of a dumber excuse,"Why don't you head to the living room so we can get dressed, what do you want for breakfast? I'll make you guys whatever you want!"

"Pancakes!" They yelled in unison.

"Okay, okay I'll make pancakes! Go to the living room though and wait for us okay?" Kakashi said frantically digging through the drawers and pulling out clothes.

The twins ran off and Kakashi closed the door behind them.

"Why didn't we get dressed after last night?!" Kakashi said

"I don't know we just fell asleep!!" Tsuki said in a loud whisper. He quickly put on some boxers and joggers almost falling over in the process, making Tsuki laugh.

"That was a close one." Kakashi said.

Tsuki giggled,"Better than them walking in on us doing it and asking why mommy and daddy are wrestling."

Kakashi combed his hair through his hands, he would be mortified if that happened,"Oh God we're never having sex again with the kids in the house."

"Doubt it... Come on Kashi, they're just innocent children they don't know what's going on.." Tsuki smiled and grabbed the clothes Kakashi tossed at her,"I'm gonna shower really quick." She walked over and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Okay, dear. I'll make breakfast." Kakashi said slipping on a shirt and sweats,"We'll head out to the training grounds with Kai and Kana after we eat?"

"Sounds good." Tsuki retreated into the bathroom and started up the shower.

Tsuki showered, got dressed and sat down at the table with her family to eat the pancakes that Kakashi had prepared.

Once they all finished eating Tsuki stood and started doing the dishes,"Guys we're gonna go train today, go get dressed, okay?"

"Okay, come on, daddy!!" Kanari said

Tsuki smiled as she watched her husband get dragged down the hallway with one twins grasping onto each hand so he could help them get dressed for the day. Tsuki finished the dishes and made her way back to the bedroom where she tied her ninja headband on her head.

She peeked into the kids bathroom where she saw Kakashi sitting crossed legged on the floor with Bobby pins and rubber bands between his teeth, heavily concentrated as he braided Kanari's hair into two pigtails.

Holy shit, she swore that was the cutest thing she'd ever seen.

"Do you need help?" Tsuki asked.

"No, no, no.." Kakashi denied her help still focused on Kanari's hair,"I've got this."

Tsuki chuckled and grabbed a hair brush and started brushing through Kai's wild brown hair. Kakashi successfully braided Kanari's hair and pumped his fist in the air in victory making Tsuki chuckle and give him a high five.

Kakashi showered and got dressed and soon enough the family of four headed out to the training ground.

"What are we learning today mommy?" Kai asked as they ran into the grass.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now