Flashback: Jealous Kakashi Pt. 3 (🍋)

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Kakashi burst through the shared doors of their bedroom and made a bee-line for Tsuki who was unpacking some of her belongings.

Tsuki mentally prepared herself, knowing Kakashi was on a rampage that she wouldn't be able to stop. But, she wanted it.

He grabbed her from behind and sat back on the bed with her back against his chest.

One hand wrapped around her jawline while the other ghosted over her aching lower half over the fabric of her shorts.

"You wanna tell me who Haru was to you and why he's been eye-fucking you since we got here?" Kakashi said with a dominant, demanding tone. He started rubbing her through her clothes and Tsuki gasped, she was still on edge from Kakashi fucking her in the forest.

Tsuki was trying to formulate how to tell him.

"W-we grew up together in Godai since we were kids." Tsuki began, Kakashi kept putting his hands on her, driving her crazy, getting her so turned on but not getting her to the finish line,"W-we never dated, but we did have sex when we became teenagers..."

Kakashi bit onto her shoulder,"So that's why he's been acting like he's seen you naked.... Did he put his mouth on you?"


Kakashi growled in response and rubbed Tsuki faster, making her squirm

"Did he put his hands on you?"


Kakashi flipped her around to face him on her knees. He undid his pants and pulled out his throbbing hard-on. He grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his cock.

"Look into my eyes and jerk me off." He demanded. Tsuki did as she was told. Kakashi grunted as her hand put the perfect amount of pressure on him as she started to move it up and down.

"How many times?!" He quietly yelled, looking into her eyes. As he gripped her hair behind both of her ears.

"I-I don't know." Tsuki couldn't bring herself to tell Kakashi that it was a lot of times

He squeezed her jaw open and spat onto her tongue,"Look at this pretty mouth trying to lie to me. Don't fucking lie, Kuraku, you're gonna make things worse for yourself..." He said through grunts

Tsuki took a deep breath,"He was...my f-first. And we did stuff........... A lot. But he left the village right before we turned 17 and I hadn't seen him since."

Kakashi groaned out of pleasure, he was feeling so good right now. He took pride that he was able to make a strong Kunoichi like Tsuki be his sex slave, able to make her do or say anything he wanted.

"Faster, whore." Kakashi demanded, Tsuki sped up her hand pumping his cock.

"Yeah just like that, don't stop." He voiced his approval, Tsuki felt her body shiver at the praise.

Soon after Tsuki changed her movements, Kakashi came with a moan that ripped from the back of his throat. He was extremely backed up from not be able to finish earlier in the day.

Tsuki felt relieved, now Kakashi would finish her off, her pussy was throbbing and longed for release.

Kakashi felt better, but he still wasn't satisfied and he wasn't any less jealous. He saw Tsuki start inching her shorts down off her body.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Kuraku, you're not cumming right now." Kakashi said putting his hands behind his head.

"What?! Why not?! You got to finish!" Tsuki whined and pathetically straddled his waist to try and grind against his manhood, he threw her off and pinned her onto her stomach with her face shoved into the mattress.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now