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When morning came, Tsuki woke up and sat at the edge of the bed. She smiled when she looked over and saw Kakashi asleep with Kai in his arms. He was holding him as if he would float away if he let go.

'Holy shit, that's the cutest thing I've ever seen' Tsuki thought,'Better go check on Kana'

After a few stretches, Tsuki went to her bathroom and washed her face, brushed her teeth and hair, and got dressed for the day. She threw on her black uniform with the Hatake clan crests from the war that she ended up just adopting into her every day wardrobe.

After twenty minutes of getting ready, she made her way down the hallway and opened the door to the twins' bedroom to check on Kanari.

She wasn't there.

Tsuki panicked momentarily, but calmed herself enough to check the window. Kakashi had put a barrier sealing jutsu on the window so that they would be alerted if anyone tried to come in through there.

It hadn't been broken. Tsuki looked under the cribs.


"Kanari!!" Tsuki yelled and ran out of the room to search the rest of the house,"Kanari Misaki Hatake, if you're hiding you need to come out now!"

Tsuki was frantic, lifting up furniture and check every corner of the house.

Kakashi was awakened by Tsuki's yelling and walked into the hallway rubbing his eyes.

"Tsuki, what's the matter?" Kakashi asked concerned as to why she was so frantic.

"Kana is missing! She's not in her crib!" She said

"What?! You sure you checked everywhere?!" Kakashi ran back to the master bedroom and looked under their bed, in their closet, and in the en suite bathroom.


"The sealing jutsu on the window hasn't been broken, where could she have gone?!" Tsuki was holding back tears. So was Kakashi, his heart was pounding and it made his ears ring.

Their daughter was missing.

By this time Kai walked out of the master bedroom,"Mommy, daddy, what's wrong?"

Tsuki burst out crying.

Kakashi put on a brave face and took a knee to come down to his level,"Kai, where was your sister when you came to sleep with us in our bed?" He asked grabbing onto his son's shoulders.

"She was asleep in her crib.." Kai responded.

Kakashi breathed in his nose and out his mouth, trying not to have a panic attack. He summoned Pakkun.

Pakkun instantly knew something was wrong,"What's going on, Kakashi?" Kai squealed and started petting Pakkun's head. The kids loved seeing Kakashi's ninja hounds.

"Kanari is missing from her crib and we can't find her in the house, can you track her scent?" Kakashi said with a shaky voice.

Pakkun sniffed the air,"Yeah sure follow me!"

Kakashi and Tsuki quickly threw on their sandals. Tsuki grabbed Kai and put him on her back to carry him piggyback style.

They started running down the street.

They happened upon Kurenai with Mirai and Sakura.

"Guys Kanari is missing, have you seen her?" Tsuki asked with tears still in her eyes

They both gasped,"No we haven't!" Sakura said

Kurenai reached out for Kai,"I'll take care of Kai while you guys look. Sakura, go to Shizune to get a search and rescue team together."

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now