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Tsuki awoke and felt her sore body scream at her for letting Kakashi do what he did to her last night. She tried stretching out but it hurt too much and let out a groan in pain as a response to the achiness.

Kakashi instantly awoke at the sound of her in pain,"Are you ok, babe?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm just a little sore and stiff." She responded,"You really did a number on me last night, Kashi." She rolled to sit up at the side of the bed,"Agh!" She flinched at the pain in her hips.

"See, I told you I was too rough with you last night Tsuki.." Kakashi sprang up and got her some pain medicine and water, which she quickly took.

"Why don't you just lay back in bed until the pain medicine kicks in and then do some stretches. I'm gonna go talk to Lady Tsunade about marrying us today and then I'll come back and get you." Kakashi said grabbing one of his shirts and a pair of her underwear out of the drawer

"Okay yeah I'd appreciate that..." Tsuki didn't complain.

"Arms up.." he instructed. Tsuki's arms were probably the only thing that wasn't sore on her so she lifted her arms and Kakashi slipped the shirt over her arms and head. He knelt down and slipped her underwear over her feet and up her legs, she grabbed onto his shoulders to stand slightly so he could slip it over her butt. His eyes lingered on her body and he hung his head.

"What's wrong?" Tsuki asked.

"The bruises are even worse today....." He said in a disappointed tone. He enjoyed himself last night, but he felt bad seeing the results of his lust.

She grabbed his hair and lightly tugged it to pull his face up to look at her again,"Seriously, don't worry about it Kashi, I'll relax in bed and heal them a bit with the medical ninjutsu I've learned from Sakura."

Kakashi gave her a relaxed smile,"Ok, I'll take your word for it, love. Are you hungry?"

"Not right now I'm not. I can make myself something when I get up." Tsuki smiled back.

"Ok, I'll be back." He kissed her lips and quickly got dressed in his typical jonin uniform before heading out to talk to Tsunade.

As Kakashi walked through the streets, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Kakashi, My ETERNAL rival! What are you up to on this youthful day?! Are you up for a challenge.." Might Guy said as he caught up to Kakashi.

Kakashi was really happy to see Guy, and he honestly couldn't wait to tell his best friend, the guy that never gave up on him, that he was getting married.

"Actually, I am up for a challenge, Guy." Kakashi responded

Guy was shocked that Kakashi didn't reject him the first time, usually it took at least three times to get him to agree to a challenge,"Well to me it sounds like you have something in mind, Kakashi."

"I do." He replied

"Well spit it out!!" Guy said

"Maybe I shouldn't, cause I know I'm gonna win for sure. It wouldn't be fair." Kakashi gave a fake sigh

"Kakashi, I'm telling you now as your eternal rival that you must tell me your challenge! You must know by now that I will always do my best to beat you in any match!" Guy demanded to know

"Ok if you insist. Here's my challenge......." Kakashi paused for dramatic effect, Guy leaned in closer.

"First one to get married wins." Kakashi said.

Guy held his fist up before Kakashi even finished his sentence, assuming he was going to suggest a game of rock, paper, scissors. It took him a few seconds before it dawned on him.

"Prepare yourself for defeat, Kakash- WHAT?!" Guy was shocked when he finally realized what Kakashi meant,"MY ETERNAL RIVAL IS MARRYING HIS YOUTHFUL FLOWER?!!?"

Kakashi couldn't help but laugh at Guy's typical enthusiasm,"Yeah, I really am.... And I'd like you to be there to witness, if possible, Guy."

Tears started streaming down Guy's face as he pulled Kakashi into a brotherly hug, he was so happy for him. He remembered how depressed Kakashi used to be after losing his father, Obito, Rin, and his sensei. He was actually surprised Kakashi was still alive, he was in such a dark place at the time. Even after watching him cheer up a little after becoming a jonin leader, he saw that Kakashi always had this gloomy look in his eye. But ever since he met Tsuki, he was perfectly happy, content, beaming even. And Guy loved Tsuki like a sister for that reason. He would forever be grateful to her.

"Just tell me where and when..." Guy replied wiping his tears away.

"Today, not sure what time and I'll have to get back to you in the where part." Kakashi replied with a smile.

"Then I will find you later! Today is such a youthful day!" Guy practically screamed as he walked off.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now