A Surprise Attack!

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"My and Lieutenant Guy's group will take first watch. I want a sensory ninja in each corner of the perimeter to detect for incoming enemies and those skilled in ninjutsu and taijutsu at their side for protection. After a couple of hours, Captain Kakashi's group will take over." Tsuki instructed her team of soldiers.

"Of course, Lieutenant Hatake!" They responded and dispersed to carry out her orders.  It was odd to hear them calling her 'Lieutenant Hatake', she still wasn't used to her new name.  Her and Kakashi had only been married two and a half days at this point, but word of their secret wedding spread quickly.

They had just finished their first battle of the war with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist that had been brought back to life with a reanimation justsu, a Jutsu perfected by Orochimaru.

But with the help of their squad, they managed to seal them all away and claimed victory.

Kakashi approached Tsuki and placed a hand on her shoulder while he stabbed the Executioner's Blade into the grass, a sword he had commandeered during their fight with Zabuza,"Tsuki, you should get some rest..."

"I can't leave my team alone, we're taking the first watch." She responded

"You expended a lot of chakra during that first fight.  You and I both.  Trust in your comrades, they won't be able to fight efficiently if their leaders are down and out. We need to make sure we're ready for the next surprise attack.."

Tsuki sighed.  He was right.  She nodded in response and they jumped into a tree branch above their heads, like the other members of Kakashi's team were doing.

Kakashi leaned his back up against the tree while Tsuki rested her back against his chest while sitting between his legs.  They both ate a couple of food pills each and he wrapped his arms around her; they closed their eyes to go to sleep.  They were both so glad that they survived the first battle together.  It made them more confident in their ability to survive the rest of the war.

"I've never seen someone cast the reanimation jutsu as well as Orochimaru.  But since he's dead, there must be someone else pulling the strings far away from here.." Kakashi mentioned.

"Hmph." Tsuki still didn't like hearing Orochimaru's name,"Could be Kabuto.  That piece of shit worshipped Orochimaru and studied all of his teachings.  He had very good chakra control since he was a medical ninja prior to joining the snake creep.  I bet it's him."

"I bet you're right.." Kakashi managed to say before he quickly dozed off to sleep.  Tsuki followed suit.

"Captain! Lieutenant!" The voice of Rock Lee jolted the pair awake and they reflexively jumped down to the ground into a fighting stance.  The sun was coming up, meaning they probably managed to get a good five hours of sleep.

"What's going on?!" Kakashi asked

"Sir, sensory ninja in the north east corner of the perimeter have sensed incoming enemy chakra. How do you want us to proceed?" He responded

"Get everyone back to the center of the perimeter, we need to stick together, we can't get spread out like we did with the Swordsmen.  Keep the sealing team at the center like before and protect them at all costs! Let's go!" Kakashi began running off towards the perimeter center to rendezvous with the rest of the Third Division, followed by Tsuki and Guy.

Once they reached the clearing at the center they stopped.

Kakashi was talking to the whole Division about the battle formations he wanted them to be prepared for.

"Captain Kakashi, the enemies getting close!" One of the sensory ninja shouted.

"My team, do a headcount to account for our fighting power! We don't know what were gonna be up against this time." Tsuki commanded. Her team was mainly made up of ninjutsu style users since she specialized in nature chakra and ninjutsu use. 

"Right away Lieutenant Hatake!" They responded.

"Lieutenant Hatake? Tsuki, why are they calling you Lieutenant Hatake?" A voice Tsuki hadn't heard in a long time hit her ears as a group of enemies emerged from the woods in front of them.

"No....no that can't be..." Tsuki's breathing hitched and her eyes widened

"Tsuki, what's the matter?  Look alive, they're here." Kakashi told her as he drew out the Executioner's Blade, not realizing who the enemy was.

Tsuki shot her head up and saw another group of reanimated shinobi emerging from the woods. There was about ten of them, but the voice that was so familiar to her came from one of the two main people standing at the lead of the group.

Her heart started pounding in her chest when she confirmed her suspicions.

Tsuki desperately tried to get a hold of her breathing, she tried to say something but it was as if the sound was getting stuck in her throat and couldn't come out

But she managed to choke out two words,"Mom............Dad?"

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