A Promotion

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Inoichi's words proved to be true. By the time they got a few steps into the hallway, Tsuki was able to let go of Kakashi's arm and walk on her own. By the time they reached the Hokage's office, she was back to normal.

Kakashi approached the door and knocked on it a few times and was met with a:

"Come in!" Lady Tsunade said from the other side.

They both entered and bowed in greetings.

"Kakashi, what's the report from Inoichi?" Tsunade asked.

"She's cleared. He said there was nothing in her memories that would make her a danger to the Leaf Village." He replied

"That's what I figured." Tsunade said,"Well I'm glad that you're both here, I wanted to propose an idea to the both of you and I'd like your input Kakashi since you basically act as an advisor."

They nodded, ready to hear this proposal of hers.

"I know you have not seen Tsuki in battle, Kakashi. But I assure you she is very skilled. Her skills in ninjutsu and taijutsu are at an expert level that may even rval your strength. And her kekkei genkai makes her all the more strong in battle." Tsunade said,"And as I said before, I tried getting Tsuki to join the ANBU years ago. But now that she's here, I feel like she would be valuable to this village as a jonin."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow,"Wow, all the way to jonin? No exams or tests?"

"I promise you her skills warrant the title of jonin. I'd like her to be a jonin leader eventually but considering she's not native to the Leaf Village, I thought of something else."

"What's that?" Tsuki spoke up interested in what she had to say. After all, she didn't have a home to go to, nor any family left. She like she might as well start a new life and devote herself to the village that saved her from Orochimaru.

"Tsuki, I'd like to make you a floating jonin." Tsunade said

"Floating jonin?" Kakashi and Tsuki said simultaneously in confusion.

"It would be a new position. Basically you would fill in as jonin sensei or co-sensei when and wherever needed. With you not being tied to a specific team, i would be able to send you on co-op and solo missions as well. I think it would be a perfect opportunity for you to get to know all of the Shinobi around the leaf while also utilizing your skills in multiple areas." Tsunade explained,"So what do you say, Kakashi. Am I crazy for offering this position?"

"I feel like it would be a good idea for her to get to know all of the current shinobi in the Village. And if she's as good as you say she is and Inoichi says she can be trusted, I don't see why this wouldn't be a good idea. We are very short-staffed." He replied matter of factly, with eyes bored and half-lidded. That seemed to be his default facial expression, regardless of the emotion in his voice.

"Ok well then Tsuki, the choice is up to you at this point. Have you made a decision?" Tsunade's gaze sifted over to Tsuki.

Tsuki didn't have to think twice,"I'd be honored to accept this position. I'll do my best to serve the village. Especially since all you guys saved my life."

"Very well then." Lady Tsunade said satisfied with her answer. She walked around to her desk and pulled something out of her drawer.

"Here you go Tsuki." Tsunade reached forward and tied a Leaf Village headband behind her long side-swepts bangs,"Then I officially declare you a jonin of the Village Hidden in the Leaves."

"Thank you Lady Tsunade." Tsuki smiled at her old teacher.

Tsunade's eyes sparkled as she smiled back,"I'm so glad you finally decided to join us. Okay so moving forward, I have set you up in an apartment in the village. Kakashi, it's actually near where you live. Since you have no missions today, would you be able to show her around town and her new home? Once you get settled Tsuki, take it easy, maybe train a bit. I will summon you when I have a mission for you."

"Thank you so much Lady Tsunade. I'll see you soon."

Kakashi and Tsuki made their way out of the Hokage's building and back onto the streets of Konoha and began walking toward her new home.

Kakashi looked over at Tsuki,"What's up with you?"

Tsuki's trauma from Orochimaru's torture was temporarily suspended by her excitement of her new surroundings and her feelings of finally being in a safe place. Her excitement was clearly beaming on her face,"I'm just so happy to be starting a new life and job. I feel like I have purpose again and that there is a reason I survived those three years with Orochimaru. I'm excited to help out the village that saved my life."

Kakashi chuckled,"Well that's good, I'm glad you feel that way."

They strolled through the town. Kakashi was gracious enough to show her the training grounds, the food market, and a few restaurants on the way to her home. He even introduced her to Kurenai, Asuma, and Anko and a few other jonin around town. Everyone seemed so nice and accepting.

As they approached her new apartment building, a tall man in a green jumpsuit and a shiny black bowl haircut approached the two of them.

"Kakashi my eternal rival! Who is this gorgeous, youthful being you're escorting here?!" The man said with gusto looking at the blue-eyed Kunoichi.

Kakashi rolled his eyes,"Tsuki, this is Might Guy. Guy this is Tsuki Kuraku, she's a new jonin of the leaf and will be going on missions with anyone wherever needed.

Tsuki smiled as Guy used both of his hands to shake hers vigorously,"Well welcome to the Leaf, Tsuki, it's always nice seeing a new youthful face around here! Let me know if I can be of any assistance! Kakashi find me later, I have a competition in mind."

Kakashi just sighed once again, making Tsuki giggle, she thought their friendship seemed so cute,"Thank you Guy, it was nice to meet you."

"Very well, I'll be off!" He said continuing on his walk.

Kakashi led Tsuki into the apartment. She had her own little slice of Konoha, complete with a big panoramic window that overlooked the street, one bed, one bath, and small kitchen that opened up into the living room. Perfect for a party of one.

"Well I think that completes my part." Kakashi said once Tsuki finished looking around her new apartment,"Do you need anything else from me?"

Tsuki thought about anything else she might need when something popped into her head,"Oh I know! If you're available tomorrow, would you be able to train with me? It seems that you're the strongest jonin in the village so I think it would be good for me to train with you and get back up to par if I'm going to start going on missions."

"Sure if I don't have any missions we can do that." He replied nonchalantly

"Sounds great." Tsuki smiled as he turned to walk out the door but instead of letting him leave right away she grabbed his hand to shake it, catching him off guard. She found his handshake to be surprisingly delicate, despite how calloused and rough his hands felt, no doubt caused by his line of work,"Kakashi, I really wanted to thank you for everything you and Lady Tsunade have done for me since I got here. You've all been incredibly nice and I'm really grateful you guys found me right away. I definitely would have died if you hadn't"

"You're welcome, Tsuki." He said with a closed eye smile, squeezing her hand back lightly,"Have a nice night." He left and closed the door behind him.

Tsuki let out a small scream. She was just so happy for the first time in a long time, she almost didn't believe it was real. She finally escaped from Orochimaru after three long years, been given a job, a place to live, reunited with Lady Tsunade, met a new comrade who also just happened to be her sensei's son. And to top it off he sealed the curse mark and she would be able to fight again.

Life was just good right now.

She showered, change into some silky pajamas that Tsunade left for her and crawled into her new comfortable bed. She quickly fell asleep, excited to wake up in the morning.

It was the best sleep she had gotten in three years.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now