The Twins' Awakening

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"Mommy, daddy.....why are you crying?" The voice of Kakashi's mini-me said as he rubbed his eyes.

Tsuki and Kakashi gasped and stared. They couldn't believe their ears, or their eyes.

"Daddy, why is your eye blue like mommy and me?" Kanari asked with a yawn.

"Tsuki, am I dreaming?" Kakashi asked.  Tsuki reached over and pinched his arm, he flinched.

"No, am I dreaming?" Tsuki asked, he tugged on her ear, she winced.


"Did we get my moonstone, daddy?" Kanari said walking up to them. Kakashi couldn't speak he just opened his arms and took Kanari into a tight warm hug, he did the same when Kai walked up just after her.

He smothered his children in love. Tsuki joined in on the family hug as happy tears ran down her face.

They could hear the rest of the team cheering from the ground, celebrating their victory in the battle and success in reviving the twins.

"Yes, Kana, we got your moonstone safe and sound and we captured the bad man." Tsuki said kissing the top of the twins heads.

"We must have taken a nap after being in the water.." Kai mentioned looking at his sister.  Tsuki choked out a laugh through her tears.

"Yes, baby, you guys took a nap after you went swimming." Tsuki said, deciding to spare the children from the news that they temporarily died.

Kakashi went into father mode,"Listen to me guys. You are to never ever touch the moonstones ever again. You hear me?" He said sternly but lovingly, looking into the twins eyes.

Kanari reached out and touched the scar that ran down Kakashi's left eyelid and cheek,"Okay I won't touch the stone, but why is your eye blue daddy?"

Kakashi cleared his throat,"When you guys were napping we fought the bad guy and took mommy's eye back and Sakura gave it to me to use cause mommy wasn't feeling well..." He tried to dumb down how dire the situation actually was, and left out the fact that their mother almost died trying to save them.

He turned to Tsuki,"Guess we better have Sakura put the eye back in your head, huh?"

Tsuki smiled at him,"My father passed on the Chojougan to the Hatake name, so everyone in the current Hatake clan should have one. Keep it, dear, I still have the eye that Naruto gave me."

"But, Tsuki..." He said with a gasp. He felt honored that his wife trusted him with her Kekkei genkai, he almost didn't feel worthy of keeping it. He actually had the power to activate and deactivate the Chojougan so it didn't use as much chakra as the Sharingan did, so it wouldn't be a problem to keep it, but he felt like he shouldn't for some reason.

She put her hand over his mask mouth to stop his words,"No buts, mister, you're keeping the eye. Just think of it as my anniversary gift to you." She said jokingly. There two year anniversary was coming up next month.

"You're always complaining about how you look weird with the green eye." Kakashi said

"Well then, have Sakura put your eye in my head!" Tsuki said,"That way we'll be matching and I won't feel like the odd one out in this family!"

Kakashi sighed,"Okay.."

Tsuki took a hold of Kanari and jumped down to meet the rest of the group. Kakashi followed with Kai.

"Kai, Kana, come here and give me a hug!" Naruto knelt down and held his arms open. The twins ran to him and jumped up into a hug.

"I can't believe they're back from the dea-" Sai started and Tsuki shot him a look to tell him to shut up.

Kakashi walked over to Sakura,"Sakura, do you think you can put my old eye into Tsuki's left one. I guess I'm keeping this." He said pointing to his blue eye.

"Sure thing, Kakashi-sensei." She replied.

Kakashi pulled Tsuki over by the hand and Sakura traded out her green eye for Kakashi's charcoal one.

He grabbed onto her waist and pulled her close to him while everyone ran to hug the twins. They stood back and watched.

He turned to face her and cupped her face in his hands, staring into her grey and blue eyes, she stared back into his. They got lost in each other's gaze.

"There." He said referring to her new left eye,"Now we'll always have a piece of each other no matter how far apart we may be."

Tsuki laughed quietly,"I guess that means we really are the Onaji duo, huh?"

"You betcha." He placed a kiss to her forehead.

"Kakashi..." Tsuki grabbing his left hand and pulling it from her face so that she could look up at him again. She backed up a little bit so she didn't have to crane her neck so high and took both of his hands into hers. Her finger brushed against the silver wedding band on his left ring finger and her heart fluttered. She couldn't have asked for a better partner, a better father to her children, a better clan leader, he really was the complete package. He was fulfilling everything he had told her he was striving to be and more and she felt so proud.

"Kakashi, th-thank you for bringing back the twins." Tsuki said with a shaky voice that was threatening to cry,"I don't know what I would have done if this plan didn't work.. "

He wrapped his arms around her head and pulled her to his chest, trying to protect her from the 'what if' thoughts she was having,"Try not to think about it Tsuki. You know I'd give my life to protect you and the kids. This was just another part of my duties as a husband and father. But it's all over now. We're okay, the twins are okay, the village is safe, Shin's been apprehended. Everything's gonna be okay."

Tsuki buried her face into his chest, Kakashi's heart skipped a beat, he was so happy Tsuki found comfort in his embrace.

"Thank you. I owe you everything, Kashi." She said sniffling back tears,"Can we go home now?"

"Yes, let's go home, love."

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now