Flashback: Jealous Kakashi Pt. 4 (🍋)

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Tsuki sat down at the long dining table filled with higher ups from all around the Land of Fire with Kakashi on her right side and Haru on her left.

Tsuki was scared to move. She could feel Kakashi gaze burning into the side of her head out of the corner of her eye and didn't want to make eye with either him or Haru.

Kakashi loved seeing her struggle. He couldn't wait, he wanted her.

He decided he was going to tease her a bit more. He covertly rested his hand on her upper thigh and gave it a lustful squeeze.

Tsuki, who was just trying to eat her soup started choking and coughing on the liquid.

Kakashi put his fist to his mouth, trying to hold back a wicked smile under his mask when he saw Haru reach out to pat Tsuki's back. Kakashi quickly put his hand there instead, making Haru's hand stutter and back off.

"You should be more careful, Tsuki.." Kakashi teased

She looked at him with angry eyes,"Fuck you, Hatake." She said lowly so that only he could hear.

He gave her a closed eye smile and they continued eating, Kakashi only pulling his mask down quick enough so that he could take a bite without anyone seeing his face.

"So, Tsuki, what have you been up to these past 12 years?" Haru asked.

"Oh you know, until Godai got attacked, life was the same as it had always been. Then as you know everything went to shit, got captured by Orochimaru for a few years, then I escaped and ended up in the Leaf." Tsuki said

"Oh yeah, I was wondering where that curse mark came from.." he said pointing at her shoulder.

"Yeah, I barely made it to the Leaf Village alive when Lady Tsunade recognized me from when I was a kid."

"Yes!" Haru said,"It was interesting to hear from Lady Tsunade when I was arranging this meeting and learned she was Hokage. I remember when we were just kids and her and the White Fang came to Godai to train us. Seems like it was yesterday! Of course, i stuck with Lady Tsunade, you were the White Fang's favorite student."

Kakashi's body tensed up hearing his father's name mentioned. It was weird how life worked and how sometimes everyone seemed to be so intertwined. He shook off the feeling.

The waiter's brought out the main course.

As they began eating, Kakashi decided he had given Tsuki too long of a break.

He crossed his fingers over each other under the long table cloth and summoned a shadow clone to sit right between Tsuki's legs.

He was playing a dangerous game, but it was so hot to him.

Tsuki felt two hands caress up her inner thighs and she jumped in her chair.

"You okay, moonshine?" Haru looked over at her.

She gave him a fake smile,"Uhuh yup totally fine!"

Kakashi got angry again hearing him call her moonshine, it made him wonder if he called her that whenever they had sex. And boy, did that make him more angry.

Luckily the table cloth was long enough to cover their legs and the shadow clone beneath the table and so Kakashi's clone was bold enough to open the slit of her dress and slide her panties to the side before diving in with his tongue.

He ate her out from under the table, while she and 50 other guests were eating their food on top of the table.

Tsuki let out a sharp sigh and bit her lip quickly, keeping a straight face, clearing her throat to cover up the noise she almost let out.

This was Kakashi's fourth time teasing her today, she wanted to cum so bad she didn't even try to stop the clone, she just let him do his thing. Not like Kakashi would have let her stop him anyway. There was no way of getting control of his jealousy.

Tsuki bit her knuckle and looked over at Kakashi, who was smirking under his mask like a maniac.

He leaned over to whisper to her,"You're doing so good, baby girl. Keep it up and I might let you finish."

God, Tsuki wished he hadn't said that. His voice and dirty talk turned her on so much. And he expected her to finish? In front of all these people who were completely oblivious to the sexual deviancy that was going on under the table? She felt like an exhibitionist and didn't know if she could keep a poker face if she were to have an orgasm.

Tsuki fought to keep a straight face as Kakashi's clone kept lapping at her clit.

She took a bite of food and Kakashi's clone stuck one finger in her.

She broke and let out a tiny moan.

She quickly covered it up,"Wow! The food is so good!"

Haru laughed and reached a hand out to brush her thigh,"Hey Tsuki we should hang out later tonight, after all these people go home." Kakashi's clone got angry seeing him lay a hand on her and started eating her out faster, letting her know that he commanded her attention.

"Tsuki are you shaking?" He said as he felt her thigh trembling. Tsuki grabbed his hand and removed it from her as quickly as she could.

"Yeah ahem.. just a little cold!" She said clearing her throat. She was about to cum and she used every last bone in her body to act as if Kakashi's clone wasn't under the table eating her pussy so good she was seeing stars.

Kakashi adjusted his dick in his pants, it was rock hard and he waited until it went away to stand up from the table.

Just as Tsuki was about to cum, his clone disappeared.

'Noooo!' Tsuki thought,'I was right there!'

She momentarily thought about finishing herself off. This was the fourth time Kakashi denied her an orgasm. But there was no way she'd get away with rubbing her own pussy underneath this table. She was stuck and squeezed her thighs together to try and deal with the pain of her swollen clit being denied once again.

"Tsuki, I totally forgot we were supposed to report to Lady Tsunade when we arrived. Let's head back to the room really quick and go write her a message. If you'll excuse us, Haru, we'll be back. Lady Tsunade is strict on these types of things." Kakashi said suddenly

He licked his lips under his mask as he felt the memories and senses of his clone come back to him, he could taste Tsuki on his tongue and his jealousy only increased ten-fold when he realized Haru had grabbed her thigh.

He was going to destroy her.

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