Wake Up to Reality

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Tsuki looked around completely dazed as if she had been a deep sleep for years.

"Tsuki, hey, are you okay?" Kakashi cupped her face in his hand and helped her sit up and placed a masked kiss to her temple.

"Don't worry, Kakashi, it's just the effects of the genjutsu wearing off." Tsunade told him,"The twins are doing just fine, I'm gonna go check on some others that are just waking up."

"Thank you so much, Lady Tsunade." Kakashi replied before turning his attention back to Tsuki.

"Kakashi?" Tsuki said, still trying to distinguish reality from the genjutsu.

"Yes, love?"

"We never got divorced right?" Tsuki asked

"Divorced?! What on Earth are you talking about. We just got married four days ago."

"We never got into a custody battle over our children right?"

"Custody battle? Tsooks, we barely found out you're pregnant just a little while ago. Tsunade says you're only 3 weeks.  Their chakra signatures barely started coming through enough to where we could detect it. That's why it didn't even show up on that pregnancy test you took.. it was s false negative."

Tsuki started sobbing and divulged her whole Infinite Tsukuyomi experience to him.

"Oh my god Kashi, that was the worst thing I've ever experienced.  You became Hokage and we grew apart and got divorced and we traded off the kids every other week.  We had fraternal twins and girl and a boy and they were so adorable but I mean I don't know if that's what we're actually gonna have in real life.  I resorted to dating someone else but I was still sleeping with you on the side every couple of weeks and I-"

Kakashi put a finger to her mouth,"Babe, you're rambling.  Don't worry, none of that was real. It's all over now.  It's just you and me now. Plus a couple of extra stow aways." He placed a hand over her belly.

Tsuki breathed a sigh of relief and looked once again at his eyes,"Kashi, what happened to your Sharingan?"

"Why don't I explain it to you while we get to back to the Village? Tsunade mostly healed your injuries, but she wants you in the hospital for a bit to monitor the babies' progress since you lost so much blood."

Kakashi picked Tsuki up into his arms. She winced at the pain in her back, it still hurt a bit, but no where near as bad as when she first got her injury.

Kakashi was horribly tired, his whole body was sore.  But he pushed through to carry Tsuki back to the village.  After all, she almost gave her life for his.

"Kakashi, I love you so much, I can't even put into words how you make me feel. I can't believe I'm gonna be a mom!"

"I love you too. And I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad." Kakashi took a moment to think about that fact as it hit him,"Holy shit I'm gonna be a dad..."

"I don't know shit about babies..." Tsuki mentioned,"Like what do you feed them?"

"I'm sure all of that will come naturally to you, Tsuki. But don't worry, we have 9 ish months to figure it out..."

Kakashi smiled at his wife and was thankful to the universe that she was alive after this war and after the injuries she sustained.

Thankful that they were both alive.

And that they were going to start a new chapter in their lives.

This story's coming to an end soon 😭😭but do I smell a sequel that consists of Kakashi and Tsuki raising their children while he's Hokage?

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now