Training Naruto

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Kakashi and Tsuki returned to the leaf village and immediately headed for the Hokage's office to turn in their report with the Akatsuki Intel they received from Jiraiya.

"I knew I could count on you two! You did very well" Tsunade praised them for their efforts

"Thank you Lady Fifth." Tsuki said flatly as she bowed her head.

"Since you're both here I'd like to inform of an incident we had with Naruto on his last mission with Captain Yamato and the rest of team Kakashi. They went to investigate the spy that Akatsuki member Sasori had mentioned when Sakura battled him; the spy ended up being Kabuto. And it seems they ended up engaging in a fight with Orochimaru." Tsunade explained carefully

Tsuki gasped, just the mention of Orochimaru's name triggered her fight or flight response. She quickly composed herself to hide her fear of her former torturer, but Kakashi had already taken notice of her breathing quickening as Tsunade continued to explain.

"They even ran into Sasuke but they were already to weak to fight him since Naruto's nine tailed cloak had reappeared forcing Yamato to seal him once again. I'd like the two of you to train Naruto so that he can become strong enough to fight Sasuke and/or the Akatsuki if and when the time comes."

"Understood, m'lady." Kakashi responded,"We'll begin training Naruto right away."

Kakashi and Tsuki exited the building.

"So how do you plan on training Naruto?" Kakashi asked Tsuki.

"What do you mean me?! You're his sensei. Plus, I don't even know how to be a good teacher!" Tsuki said pointing a finger in Kakashi's face. She definitely wasn't confident in her teaching abilities. She was just a fill-in jonin and had gone on missions with shinobi who already knew what they were doing.

"Well you're gonna have to learn sooner or later! Remember Lady Tsunade said eventually she wants you to be in charge of a genin team.......Tsuki-sensei" Kakashi said in a mocking but playful tone. Everyone called her Tsuki-sensei out of respect but she definitely didn't feel confident enough to instruct the next generation of shinobi. She admired Kakashi for his ability to do that.

"Don't worry, Tsuki, you'll get the hang of it. I feel like I was a horrible sensei when I first started. Anyway, I have an idea of how to train Naruto, I'll explain it later, but we need to find Yamato first!"

Kakashi and Tsuki roamed the village looking for Yamato when they spotted him and Naruto at Ichiraku Ramen.

"Naruto! Yamato!" Kakashi called out looking up from the pages of his little orange book he always read as he and Tsuki approached the pair.

"Hey Kakashi-sensei! Tsuki-sensei! How's it going?!" Naruto asked with the same high energy he always had.

"Yamato, I'd like you to meet Tsuki Kuraku, she's a newer jonin to the village and has been going on missions basically since she got here." Kakashi introduced her.

Tsuki and Yamato bowed to each other.

"Nice to meet you Tsuki-senpai." Yamato said to her,"And yes, I've heard a great deal about you from Lady Tsunade, it's an honor to finally meet you. You two just got back from a mission together no? How did it go?"

"A couple of hiccups, but otherwise it went well. We got some good information on the Akatsuki." Tsuki said deciding to leave out the dirty details of the mission.

"That's good to hear." Yamato said.

"So we came to find you guys because, Naruto, it's time to continue your training." Kakashi said,"Tsuki and I will be training you and Yamato, I'd like you to be there in case the nine tails cloak decides to make an appearance again."

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