An Old Friend Pt. 2 (🍋)

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"Three rooms please. Paid separately." Kakashi said to the innkeeper.

She slid over the first key and Kakashi paid for his room, although he planned on sneaking into Tsuki's room shortly after Tsukata went to bed.

Tsukata stepped up,"And I will be paying for both my room and this lovely lady's." He said looking over to Tsuki.

"I assure you that's not necessary sir." Tsuki spoke up while pulling out her own money. She could pay for her own damn room.

"No no I insist." Tsukata replied while pushing down her hands that were reaching into her wallet,"Think of it as part of the compensation for escorting me." He gave her a wink and his hand lingered on hers longer than usual. Kakashi balled up his fists so hard his knuckles were turning white.

"Well if that's the case, shouldn't you pay for Kakashi's room too then?" She said smugly.

'That's my girl' Kakashi smirked

Tsukata's faced turned shocked,"Well how about instead I pay for room service for the both of you.. totally on me..." He said quickly changing his tone.

Tsuki nodded and handed her money over to the innkeeper who slid her and Tsukata separate keys.

Tsukata turned to walk down the hall while Tsuki and Kakashi followed subtely bumping their fists together in victory.

Kakashi eye'd Tsukata as he watched Tsuki enter her room and close the door behind her.

'What a creep' Kakashi thought as he debated what time he should head over to Tsuki's room.

Tsuki sat on the bed and pulled down her mask to let her skin breathe before opening the window of her room waiting for Kakashi to open his.

After a minute or so she heard his click open.

She decided to put to use the new wind style jutsu she created for reconnaissance purposes which Kakashi eventually copied with his Sharingan.

She made some hand signs and whispered,"Wind Style: Message Delivery Jutsu."

She put her hands to her mouth as if she were going to blow on them to warm them up but instead she whispered her message into them and released the wind towards Kakashi's window.

This Jutsu allowed her to deliver messages directly to the ears of her comrades using wind style.

Kakashi felt a breeze through the window when he heard Tsuki's voice hit his ear.

"What time are you planning on coming to my room? I might head down to the bathhouse for a bit to relax." Her Jutsu repeated the message.

Kakashi made the same hand signs and whispered his own message into his hands and released it back to Tsuki.

"I'm not sure exactly. I would think the best time is after Tsukata goes to sleep so he doesn't catch me going to your room. Enjoy the bathhouse, just be weary of your surroundings. Love you." His voice said in her ear.

Tsuki smiled and replaced her mask over her face before heading down to the bathhouse.

She made her way into the girls locker room, undressed, and rinsed off in the shower before wrapping herself in a towel and heading out to the spring area.

She dipped her toes in the warm water and dropped her towel at the edge of the pool and sunk all the way in as she felt her muscles relax completely.

"Ahhhhh" she let out a sigh and tilted her head back against the edge of the pool and closed her eyes.

Kakashi made his way out of the room and down to the lobby of the inn to put in him and Tsuki's food orders for room service that Tsukata so graciously offered to pay for when he saw the blonde-haired pervert suspiciously snaking his way across the lobby towards the bathhouse.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now