Flashback: A Night Out

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Sometime between the Pain attack and the war.
"1, 2, 3 DRINK!" Tsuki and Anko yelled in unison.

Kakashi chuckled, he was leaned up against the kitchen counter of his house as he watched Tsuki and Anko at the island take their third shot of sake, pregaming for a night at the club.

He eye'd Tsuki up and down, she was dressed in a skin tight black, sleeveless romper and red high heels. It hugged her curves in all the right ways and showed off her shiny, thick thighs as the outfit had the shortest shorts possible.

Anko had forced her to put on makeup, and although Kakashi thought she was an absolute goddess without makeup, he couldn't deny that she looked hot with deep red lipstick that matched her heels and smoky eyeshadow that made her eyes look like they were in a permanent sultry gaze.

'Hooooly shit' Kakashi thought as he bit his lip at her appearance under his mask, he couldn't stop staring at her,' I'm so goddamn lucky'

Tsuki was already buzzing. The work of training the Third Division was stressful and she needed a night out with one of her friends.

"Let's gooo!!!!" Tsuki said slinging her arm around Anko

"Wait, wait I gotta pee!" Anko replied. She walked into the hallway to the restroom. Kakashi immediately grabbed ahold of Tsuki's waist once Anko was out of the room. He couldn't keep his hands off her.

"Yeah, you're not leaving the house looking like this, Kuraku." He whispered into her ear. His possessiveness over Tsuki was kicking in, he couldn't stand the idea of another guy looking at Tsuki when she looked this sexy. It made his face heat up in a jealous rage just at the thought of it.

Tsuki, whose body was tingling with alcohol giggled,"Get over yourself, Hatake."

"Ugh, you're killin me." Kakashi said running his hands up and down her curvy hips and waist.

"You know you could come with us!" She said turning around, gripping onto his shirt.

"Ehhh, clubs aren't my thing... Too many people." Kakashi said

"Well clubs aren't my thing either but Anko wanted to go, that's why you have to get drunk." She said flicking the tip his nose over his mask.

"I don't feel like drinking tonight..." Kakashi replied.

"Your loss, Hatake.." Tsuki shrugged her shoulders.

"Just be safe tonight, you know, watch your back, don't leave your drink unattended. All that shitty shit that girls have to deal with." Kakashi said lovingly.

"Will you at least come out for a little bit?!" Tsuki said with begging eyes.

"Ehh, how about I stop by later... I kind of just want to chill at home and read." Kakashi said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Fiiiiine..." Tsuki said. She pulled down his mask and kissed his neck, leaving an imprint of red pigment in the perfect shape of her lips.

Kakashi sighed, he wanted her to stay home, so he could fuck her while she looked like this, but he didn't want to ruin her night out with Anko.

She replaced his mask and backed away from him as Anko emerged from the hallway.

"Ready, Tsuki!" Anko said grabbing her wrist and dragging her out the front door.

"Bye, Kashi!" Tsuki waved as she made her way out.

"Bye!" He waved back,"See you in a bit maybe!" He smiled.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now