The Day Before War

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Kakashi's eyes fluttered open as a strip of sunlight hit his eyes. He was laying on his back and Tsuki had half her body strung over his, resting her head on his shoulder. Her left hand was resting on his chest and he looked down to see the moonstone ring he bought for her and smiled. Then he used his thumb to feel the wedding band on his own ring finger. He was still in shock that he got married to the love of his life yesterday. He never saw this coming, he expected to be alone for the rest of his life.

He was so happy that he wasn't alone anymore.

His body was exhausted. After falling asleep last night they both woke up in the middle of the night and had sex again. A few more times actually, a lot more times.

Actually, instead of actually having sex themselves they each just summoned a bunch of shadow clones and let them have a giant orgy around them while they laid in bed holding each other while the memories and orgasms returned to their bodies when each clone disappeared.

They both knew that since it was the day before the war, they needed to rest and take it easy so that their chakra stores could replenish and their bodies could recover, but they wanted to fit in as much married sex as possible before the war began.

Kakashi turned to face Tsuki and wrapped his arms and legs around her while she shuffled to rest her head into his chest. Kakashi took in the scent of her hair as he scratched her scalp and played with her locks.

He wished they could stay in this position forever. He'd be content in life if he could spend the rest of it being lazy in bed and holding Tsuki in his arms where he knew she'd be safe. But his heart started pounding when he realized they were going to war tomorrow, and they were going to be on the front lines as an entire Division depended on their leadership. He knew she would put her life on the line for her comrades, which worried him. But he figured that's what he gets for falling in love and marrying such a strong Kunoichi, the only thing he could do at this point was trust in her strength and ability to protect herself.

'She's practically as strong as I am' Kakashi thought 'She'll be okay. We'll both be okay'

Tsuki was still fast asleep, lightly snoring into Kakashi's chest but eventually turned in her sleep to lay on her back.

Kakashi quietly slipped his arm out from under her and tucked her back into the covers so he could go make them some breakfast.

He did his usual routine of making them some tea while he whipped up some eggs and bacon and put it on a tray to bring to her in bed.

He prepared everything and brought it back to the bedroom where Tsuki was sound asleep.

He kneeled down and kissed her on the cheek, making her stir and give an annoyed groan. She did not want to wake up.

But she opened her eyes anyway and smiled when she saw her favorite masked man staring back at her.

"I made us breakfast, love."

Tsuki stretched out her body and sat up in bed

"I feel like a shit housewife since I never cook.." Tsuki joked as she grabbed her tea and plate of food from the tray.

"Well that's because you're not a housewife you're the fucking First Lieutenant of the Third Division." He responded,"Also you suck at cooking.." he followed up with a laugh.

Tsuki laughed,"Well excuse me, I'm sorry I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth!"

Kakashi had no more witty responses to offer so instead he pulled his mask down and placed a kiss on her lips before sitting next to her on the bed to eat his own breakfast.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Kakashi asked

"You." Tsuki responded with a smirk.

"I think we did plenty of that last night." He said with his mouth full of food.

"Ugh, I knowwww. It sucks we have to take it easy today.."

"Yeah, we have to be at the top of our game tomorrow. I hope Guy is taking it easy too but knowing him he's probably doing 500 laps around the village right now.."

"On his hands..." Tsuki added making Kakashi choke on his tea with laughter.

Tsuki rubbed his back as he coughed out all the tea, making him think back to the time he choked on those food pills when they fought the crystal style user.

"Hey remember when we were on that mission with the crystal style user, when I choked on those food pills?" Kakashi asked her.

She laughed,"Haha, yeah. I had to hit your back so hard I probably left a bruise. That was before we were dating huh?"

"Yeah we weren't dating at that point, but your wanna know the reason I choked on the food pill?"


"Ok, you can't make fun of me if I tell you though.."

"Oh my God just spit it out Hatake" Tsuki said with a playfully annoyed tone.

"The reason I choked is because you had suddenly asked me if I had any dreams when we slept before our lookout shift. I told you I didn't have any dreams...."


"I did have a dream. About you... And me. And in that dream I was fucking you against a wall and calling you a good girl while you screamed my name..." Kakashi admitted hanging his head

Tsuki burst out laughing,"That's sounds so like you, Hatake."

"It gets worse..." Kakashi continued

"Oh God..." Tsuki responded

"That dream turned me on so much I woke up with a boner I could not get rid of. So I had to go to the bathroom and jerk myself off before I could join you on the lookout shift.. and I came because I was picturing you sucking my dick."

Tsuki's mouth fell open in shock before she start hysterically laughing, Kakashi joined her.

"Well I can't make fun of you for that Kashi cause I had a ton of sex dreams about you before we were dating too."

"Seriously?" He responded,"When was this?"

"That co-op mission we went on when Jiraiya had me seduce Tsukata. After we got the info from Tsukata, we went back to the hotel room and we went to sleep in the same bed? That's when I had a dream of you railing me doggystyle while you pulled my hair and spanked me."

Kakashi's mouth fell open just like Tsuki's did.

"I woke up so wet I got worried you would notice. I almost went to the bathroom to rub one out, but the bathroom was so close to the bed and I didn't want you to hear me, I chickened out and just waited until we got back to the village.."

"Jesus, Kuraku. You should have just made a move on me I would have helped you out with that..." Kakashi smirked.

"Ehh, you know what they say about hindsight." Tsuki replied with a chuckle,"Oh I know what we could do today, Kashi!"

"What's that?"

"We can go see that Makeout Paradise movie you've been wanting to see!"

"Wait, are you for real?" Kakashi couldn't tell if she was serious or not.

"Yeah, why not? We can make it a date. Then we can go to the bookstore and get the volume you don't have." She replied.

Kakashi jumped up,"Ok! Let me get dressed and we can go!"

Tsuki laughed at his giddiness, she knew he had a weird, perverted fascination with those books. She finished her food and got dressed to head out with her husband.

Another boring chapter 😭😭 I'm literally at work writing this...

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