The Hunt for Itachi

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"Ok listen up everyone!" Kakashi summoned all eight of his ninja hounds. Him, Yamato and Tsuki were standing on a hill looking down at Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Hinata, Kiba, Akamaru, and Shino who were joining us on this mission to hunt and capture Itachi Uchiha,"I'm going to be splitting us up into individual search parties. You will each be getting two ninja hounds to help you search except for Kiba. Tsuki you'll stay with me and Pakkun, and Yamato and Hinata and my hound Bull will accompany Naruto. We'll all fan out and search for either Itachi or Sasuke! If we find them, don't engage unless you need to "

"Right!" Everyone yelled.  We all dispersed immediately.

Tsuki looked over to Kakashi as we were hopping through the trees,"So have you always been like that?" She asked him with a smile

"Like what?" Kakashi looked at her, his one visible eye scrunched in confusion

"A natural born leader?" Tsuki said half-joking. She admired his ability to take command and easily lead a group.

Kakashi laughed,"Well I was a captain in the ANBU for almost ten years, so I've been doing this since I was quite literally a child."

"That's crazy to me." She replied

"What's crazy?" Kakashi asked

"That we're the same age but while I was just fucking around being a normal kid you were out fighting in a war and being a whole ass adult and captain in ANBU. I guess I was lucky my clan never got involved in political affairs." Tsuki explained,"So being an ANBU veteran yourself, was I right to turn down joining the ANBU all those years ago when Tsunade asked me?"

"I mean you've have your fair share of hardships too, none of us are immune. And yes you were right to turn down ANBU, I wouldn't want you to join, even now. I think you're much better off as a regular jonin, both physically and emotionally.  Becoming a sensei was what saved my life from a dark place, that and you. I'll just leave it at that for now." Kakashi's tone was serious.

"Oh ok, good to know." Tsuki still had questions, but decided not to push him further,"Picking up on any scents Pakkun?"

"No nothing yet, I'll let you know." He said as they continued to hop through the trees for a while

In the distance, there was a giant explosion making Kakashi and Tsuki stop to face the flashing light.

"What the hell was that?" Tsuki said instantly becoming worried about her comrades.

"I don't know but we better head that direction and make sure everyone is ok." Kakashi replied.  They both sped off in that direction.

When they arrived to the location of the explosion they found a big crater that's was likely the result of it.  The rest of the squad and Kakashi's ninja hounds also made their way to the site.

"Sasuke's scent is definitely here." Pakkun said

"Also the scent of that Deidera guy from the Akatsuki." Kakashi said.

"Wait I thought that guy blew himself up back when we retrieved the Kazekage" Tsuki noted,"You even used Kamui to get rid of that explosion."

"Well it looks like it's for real this time." Shino spoke up,"His scent ends here, this looks like the result of a fight between him and Sasuke."

"Is there anyway Sasuke could have survived that?" Sai thought aloud

"Wait I'm still picking up a faint scent!" Kiba yelled

"Ok let's head out then team!" Kakashi yelled.  And they began chasing after Sasuke again.

After hopping through the trees, Kiba stopped,"It seems like Sasuke's scent had dispersed!"

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