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Tsuki suddenly awoke in the hospital with Kakashi sitting next to her bed reading his little orange book.

"What the fuck? What happened to the mission?" Tsuki exclaimed

"Oh good you're finally awake, you've been out a couple days." Kakashi explained

"A couple days?!" Tsuki said even more confused.

"I had Sai fly you back to the village on one of his ink birds. It seems somewhere in the forest you ran into Kabuto and he did something to knock you out for a while. I barely caught a glimpse of him as he ran off. We finished the mission without you, well not exactly finished but we got everyone back safely." He explained.

"Kabuto has this way of disrupting your chakra pathways with medical ninjutsu. He must have done that." Tsuki said frustrated she couldn't help with the rest of the mission.

"Well no worries, at least you're safe. I was really worried about you" Kakashi said reassuringly,"Well, now that you're awake they'll probably discharge you. Tsunade wants us to meet with Naruto in his office anyway.".

There was a knock at the door. Kakashi opened it to see Anko and Kurenai holding flowers,"Kakashi is she awake yet?!" Anko said excitedly

"Yeah come on in." He replied with a closed eye smile,"Tsuki meet us at the Hokage's office in a bit. I'll send the RN in to come take a look at you and get you outta here." He said waving as he walked out of the room.

"Tsuki! We were so worried about you! You were knocked the fuck out!" Anko teased handing over a bouquet of flowers.

"Well thanks for coming to see me guys, but it looks like the nurse is coming in. I'll meet up with you guys after I see the Hokage?" Tsuki said

Kurenai and Anko nodded and made their way out of the hospital.

The nurse came and did a full exam on Tsuki and told the doctor she was ready to leave. He signed the discharge paperwork without question and Tsuki made her way to the Hokage's office.

She walked in to find Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya standing with Tsunade's arms crossed sitting behind her desk.

"Oh thank you for joining us Tsuki, glad to see you're doing well." Tsunade said

"And looking as gorgeous as ever!" Jiraiya said.

Tsuki, Tsunade, and Kakashi all rolled their eyes in unison.

'Fuckin Jiraiya' Tsuki thought to herself.

"I have some news for the three of you so brace yourselves." Tsunade began. Tsuki's heart quickened, what was she making a big deal about?

"It seems that Sasuke Uchiha had managed to kill Orochimaru." She stated flatly.

Tsuki's ears began to ring and she felt light-headed. She reached back to sit in a chair but there wasn't one behind her so she fell on her ass still trying to comprehend what she had just said. Kakashi immediately rushed to Tsuki's side bringing a chair with him and helped her sit up onto it.

"Orochimaru is..........dead?" Tsuki said. She couldn't believe it. The man that had tortured her for years, the man that left her with this disgusting curse mark was gone....just like that?

Sakura began to cry, but Naruto seemed happy

"See I told you Sasuke wouldn't let Orochimaru get to him! So when's he coming back to the village?" Naruto said with happiness.

Tsuki thought about just how much she owed to Sasuke. First he set her free from captivity, then he killed Orochimaru. She thanked Sasuke in her head. She barely knew the kid but she owed everything to him.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now