Chidori! (angst)

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Tsuki awoke to see Kakashi scurrying out of their shared bedroom after having placed a hot cup of tea on her nightstand. She smiled to herself.

'What have I done right in life to deserve a guy like him?' She thought as she sat at the edge of the bed, stretched, and sipped her tea.

Kakashi meanwhile, went back to making breakfast for the two of them, already dressed and ready for the day. Tsuki went into the bathroom, went pee, washed her face, and got dressed in her typical ninja uniform. She made her way to the kitchen with her tea just as Kakashi was setting down two plates of food, placing a kiss onto Tsuki's temple through his mask.

"Thank you, Kashi." Tsuki said smiling. Kakashi returned with his own closed eye smile before he sat down and pulled his mask down to eat.

"Thank you for the food!" They said in unison before digging in.

"So do you have plans today?" Tsuki asked with a mouth full of delicious food.

"Yeah I figured we could to your apartment and move the rest of your stuff here, go to Lady Tsunade and tell her you don't need your apartment anymore and then if you're still feeling up to it....we can go to the training grounds and I'll teach you Chidori like I promised." Kakashi replied.

"Yes, yes, and yes!" Tsuki said as she scarfed down the rest of her meal.

The pair made their way to Tsuki's apartment and began packing up the rest of her belongings, which wasn't much. Just some clothes, ninja tools, toiletries, and some non perishable food. Tsuki also grabbed the bouquet of flowers that was sitting on her counter that were somehow still alive since her and Kakashi's first date.

They headed out and she took one last look at the apartment that she had called home since she came to the leaf village. The apartment that Kakashi had walked her to, the one she could see his house from which was coincidentally going to be her home now. Funny how life works out sometimes

They went back to Kakashi's house and unpacked her things into the proper places before heading to the Hokage's office.

"Kakashi! Tsuki! Can I help you guys with something?" Tsunade greeted them as they walked through the door

"Yes, Lady Tsunade. I just wanted to come and tell you that I won't be needing the apartment you've graciously provided for me when I first arrived in the village. Kakashi and I have decided that I'm going to be moving in with him so I figured I'd let you know so the place can go to someone else in need." Tsuki explained.

"Wow two and a half days of dating and you two are are moving in together?" Tsunade teased.

"I have to say it's been a long time coming, m'lady." Kakashi said, smiling at Tsuki.

"Alright hand over the keys." Lady Tsunade gestured to her desk,"Actually it's great that you guys are here. I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things. First of all, I've heard around that you two are a great duo, in a combat setting, I mean. I've heard rumors of the 'copy ninja' and the 'Chojougan princess' working well together in battle, as if you have a hive mind. That being said, moving forward, I'll likely keep you guys grouped together on missions from now on. On another note, I know you two have the next few days off, but please stay in the village, I may need to send you to the Village Hidden in the Rain on short notice."

"The Rain Village? Why is that" Tsuki asked.

"Jiraiya informed me that the presumed leader of the Akatsuki lives there, so he went to check it out. But it's been a few days and I haven't heard back from him at all. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I may send you two there to check on him if I still don't hear from him in the next few days." She explained

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now