The Happy Couple (🍋)

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Tsuki and Kakashi had only made it to the kitchen island before they attacked each other.

Tsuki ripped off his mask as he grabbed her by the waist and plopped her to sit on top of the counter, settling himself between her legs. Their tongues swirled around each others as they tangled themselves at the mouth. They were both hungry for each other and they acted like animals whose instincts took control over their bodies.

Kakashi made his way down to Tsuki's neck where he began licking and biting at her soft skin, making chills run down her spine.

"Wait Kashi..." Tsuki said out of breath, Kakashi acted like he didn't hear and continued ,"Let's open the presents from Tsunade, yeah?"

He bit at her ear lobe,"We can't wait until after?" He said in his deep, raspy voice.

"I suspect were gonna be at this all night, we'll be too tired after." Tsuki laughed

"You're goddamn right it's gonna be all night, Kuraku." Kakashi smirked,"Ok let's open the presents.."

Tsuki wrapped her legs around his waist and grabbed onto his neck, Kakashi grabbed her by her butt and lifted her up with one arm while the other grabbed the two gifts bags and walked over to the couch.

Kakashi was so strong, he picked Tsuki up with ease and could toss her around like a ragdoll, and that was so hot to her.

Kakashi sat down on the couch but kept Tsuki on his lap so that she was straddling his waist. He reached up and pulled apart the top of her kimono so that her cleavage would show through.

Tsuki giggled.

"I just want a nice view that's all..' Kakashi looked up at her and leaned forward to kiss her chest,"Alright, who should open their's first?"

"Hmm.." Tsuki thought,"Maybe we should open them together?"

"Alright then....1, 2, 3!"

They both reached into the bag, felt around and pulled out the gifts.

"Clothes?" Tsuki said

"These look more like custom made shinobi uniforms..." Kakashi said

Tsuki peeked into the bag and saw a card at the bottom and opened it to read it out loud.

"It says: In honor of restarting the Hatake clan, I got you guys some new uniforms for the war. Hope you like them. May they serve as a reminder that if all else fails, you'll always have each other... Congratulations to the happy couple."

Tsuki unfolded her new sleek all black uniform to reveal a white Hatake clan crest embroidered on the back as well as smaller crests lining the bottom of the half skirt that would go around her waist.

Kakashi unfolded his as well, it was pretty much the exact same as the typical uniform he already wore, but the red swirling Uzumaki symbol that typically lived on the side of his arms were replaced by white Hatake crests. His also got a new green flak jacket with the Hatake crest on the back.

They both looked at their new uniforms, realizing they were officially a clan that consisted of just the two of them.

Kakashi stared at his wife and hoped his father would be proud of him, for marrying Tsuki like he promised.

"We're a family now huh, Kashi?" Tsuki asked. She loved Tsunade's gift and thought it was extremely thoughtful.

Kakashi looked up and smiled at her,"We were family before, Tsuki, now it's just legal."

Tsuki smiled at her husband as he gave her the toothy grin that she fell in love with over a year ago.

"Holy shit, I love you." Tsuki said

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now