Meet the Parents

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Kakashi's eyes widened in horror once he realized that the new enemies they were facing were none other than the reanimated corpses of Tsuki's parents, Tsusuri and Misaki Kuraku.  He looked over at Tsuki, worried about her emotional ability to partake in this fight. 

"Damn you, Kabuto." He cursed under his breath. The fact that Tsuki's parents were reanimated confirmed his and Tsuki's suspicions that he was involved.

Tsuki averted her gaze in an attempt to hold back tears that threatened to fall from her eyes and whispered to herself,"It's ok. They're not real. They look real but they're not. They're dead. They've been dead. They're not alive. They're not my parents. They're being used as puppets..." Tsuki let out a deep breath and composed herself.

Kakashi watched her as she talked herself down,"Tsuki, are you gonna be ok?"

She didn't take her eyes off her parents,"Yeah, I'll be fine."

Kakashi nodded.

"Tsuki! Answer me! What's going on? Where are we?  Why do you look so grown up? Why are they calling you Lieutenant Hatake?" Tsusuri asked her

"Sir, if I may speak on her behalf for a moment, this whole situation is a little confusing and intense for all of us.. Especially for Tsuki" Kakashi addressed his father-in-law, stepping protectively in front of Tsuki.

"And who are you to speak for her?!" Tsusuri responded harshly

"I'm Kakashi Hatake, Captain of this Division."

"Hatake?" Misaki asked,"Any relation to Sakumo Hatake, Tsuki's old sensei?"

"He was my father." Kakashi replied,"And I know this may come as a shock to you and I hate to have to tell you this under these circumstances, but Tsuki is my wife. That's why they're calling her Lieutenant Hatake."

"Your wife?!" Tsusuri exclaimed,"And who gave you permission to marry her, because I certainly didn't!"

"Mom, Dad, you have been dead for the past four and a half years! Orochimaru killed of our entire clan except for me!" Tsuki composed herself enough to speak up,"You're not alive! This is Orochimaru's reanimation jutsu, we're in the middle of a war and you're being manipulated to fight against us!"

"4 and a half years? A war? I do remember Orochimaru attacking Godai but why are you fighting in a war? You know the Kuraku clan didn't get involved in political affairs!" Misaki scolded her.

"I was held captive by Orochimaru for three years after you guys died." Tsuki pulled down her collar to flash the sealed curse mark on her shoulder,"I escaped and made it to the Leaf, where I became a jonin and eventually fell in love and married Sakumo-sensei's son Kakashi Hatake! I'm a resident of the Leaf Village and although I'll always remember my heritage as a Kuraku, my name is Tsuki Hatake now, and I will defend my village no matter what!"

Kakashi watched her fiercely defend herself, she didn't sound like she was crying, but he could see the tears dripping down her face. His heart sank, this must be difficult for her, he couldn't even comprehend how he would feel if his father got reanimated.

Tsusuri and Misaki's hostile tone turned to one of sorrow and compassion.

"Tsusuri our little moonstone's all grown up.." Misaki said as she wiped away a tear from her eye.

"Father, I promise you that Kakashi is a strong and honorable Shinobi. And Mother, he's given me a love like I've never known before." Tsuki's voice started to break and Kakashi stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders to comfort her,"And I wish you could have met him under the right circumstances when you were alive. But we have to kill you in order to protect our village!"

Tsusuri's eyes began to tear up as well as he activated his Chojougan and took a fighting stance, he was not in control of his body,"Very well, my precious daughter.  Kakashi, it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry for the circumstances."

Kakashi nodded and lifted up the executioner's blade,"It's nice to meet you too. I'm sorry as well.. I would've hoped to make a better first impression than this " he looked over and saw Misaki's eyes turn black as she pulled up water from ground and swirled it around her body for her to readily use

Tsuki pulled out a kunai and activated her Chojougan eyes and whispered to Kakashi,"Let me take on my dad, he's too strong for you. I'm the only one that can match the strength of his visual prowess.  My mom is a weaker than him, but do not, underestimate her. My dad mainly uses fire and earth, my mom mainly uses water and lightning."

Kakashi lifted his headband to reveal his Sharingan and whispered back, "Understood, dear."

As Guy's team took on the remaining members of the Kuraku clan that were also reanimated, Tsuki and Kakashi charged to attack Tsuki's parents in a head to head battle.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now