Tightening the Seal (almost 🍋)

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"Okay so who do we have so far?" Tsuki asked Kakashi as she sat across the desk from him and Shikamaru.

They were sitting in his office in the Hokage's tower. Kai and Kanari were sleeping in their stroller next to the couch.

Before Kakashi could answer, Tsuki hissed and grabbed at the curse mark on her shoulder, it was acting up again.  The seal Kakashi placed 2 years ago was loosening again, he had already had to tighten the seal a couple times already.

"Are you okay?" Kakashi got up and took a knee next to his wife,"Is it the curse mark again?"

Tsuki's wave of pain subsided,"Yeah. " She said through gritted teeth.

"Let's go tighten the seal.." Kakashi said as he took her by the hand to help her stand"Shikamaru, watch the twins for a second please?"

"Of course." He replied, still shuffling through papers on the desk.

Kakashi took Tsuki into the next empty office in the building and pulled out extra supplies and began drawing the sealing pattern on the floor.

Tsuki had been through this process three times already so she pulled down the top of her shirt, sat in the middle of the sealing pattern. Kakashi wrote the missing markings from the seal onto her skin in preparation to tighten it.

"Ready, love?" Kakashi said standing behind her.

"I guess I have no other choice, right?" She said sarcastically. Kakashi chuckled.

He made his hand signs and pressed his palm into her shoulder as his chakra embedded the markings back into her skin. 

Tsuki screamed. He hated causing her so much pain.

He finished and caught Tsuki as she fell back, unable to hold herself up in a sitting position. He pulled up her shirt and sat on the floor holding her in his arms.

"Fuckin A that jutsu never gets any less painful." Tsuki said panting. He brushed her bangs out of her eyes as they begun to stick to her forehead with sweat. He used his sleeve to wipe off her forehead and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Tsuki." Kakashi said

"I mean it's not your fault." She said smiling weakly.

They sat for a moment and Kakashi held her tightly as she caught her breath.

"Tsuki, I'm not going to tell you to do or not do something, it's completely up to you." Kakashi said softly,"But maybe you should take up Orochimaru on his offer to remove the curse mark. This is the third time I've had to tighten the seal and each time I do it doesn't last as long as the last time. I don't mind doing, I'll do it for the rest of my life if I have to and if that's what you want, but it's been causing you a lot of grief lately and I'm just looking out for you, Kuraku."

Tsuki appreciated his support,"I still don't want that sick freak touching me."

Kakashi kissed her forehead,"Understood." He said with a smile.

Tsuki pulled down his mask,"Holy shit we have a moment by ourselves will you makeout with me?"

"Don't have to ask me twice." Kakashi said as he gently laid her to the floor on her side before laying on his own side facing her.

He cupped her jawline in his hand and guided her mouth to his and their tongues began to dance. Tsuki grasped at his red and white rokudaime cloak and pulled him in closer. He immediately reached lower and grabbed the back of her thigh to pull her leg around his waist to which she leaned in more, deepening her kiss.

Their tongues explored every part of each other's mouths.

Kakashi's teeth grazed Tsuki's lower lip as he nibbled and pulled on it a bit.

"Mm" Tsuki gave him the quietest moan of approval into his mouth, making him instantly roll on top of her to put more weight into his kisses. Tsuki wrapped her arms around his neck and her fingers entangled themselves in his hair while she spread her legs for him to comfortably lay between them

Their tongues continued to roll around each others. They had to have been doing this for at least five minutes.

A mixture of mmm's and ahh's filled the air as they continued to swap spit.

Kakashi slipped his hand under Tsuki's shirt and bra and harshly groped her breast, causing her to gasp, making him break away from the kiss. He couldn't help but take this opportunity to pull her shirt up and yank down the cup of her bra to wrap his hot mouth around her peaking bud, while the one hand grabbed onto her other tit and his other hand held on to the small of her back.

Tsuki could feel herself getting unbearably wet as Kakashi's tongue coated her sensitive nipples in his saliva.  He occasionally grunted as he flicked his tongue back and forth over her the peaks of her chest. His mouth was watering, everything about her tits were perfect to him. The size, the shape, the way they felt in his hands He couldn't get enough of sucking on her tits, especially since he had gone so long without it on account of her breastfeeding.

Tsuki couldn't help but quietly gasp as he continued, she swore he could make her cum just by doing this, but her body was still exhausted from the sealing jutsu.

He started trailing his kisses lower when he forced himself to stop and lay his cheek on her womb.

"Fuck." He sighed.

"What?" Tsuki said looking down at him.

"I know we can't keep going and I'm hard as a fucking rock right now..." Kakashi said bluntly making Tsuki laugh.

"Shikamaru is probably wondering what's taking so long." Tsuki said.

"I know and with his intelligence, he's probably already figured it out." Kakashi said standing up, reaching a hand out to Tsuki and pulling her up. Kakashi combed his fingers through Tsuki's hair and straightened out her clothes to make it look like they weren't about to fuck at work.

Tsuki did the same to his hair and cloak.

"Tsuki get rid of that blush on your face or it'll be obvious!" Kakashi teased, he picked her up bridal style,"Okay, pretend like the sealing Jutsu knocked you out, I'll set you on the couch back in the office."

Tsuki giggled at his cover-up story,"Okay Kashi." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pretended to go to sleep.  Kakashi took her back to the office and set her on the couch and played it off.

"The sealing jutsu really did a number on her this time." Kakashi said making his way back to the desk.

"Suuure it did.." Shikamaru said sarcastically,"Anyway here's what the Kazekage said in response to your request for shinobi on this mission to retrieve the second moonstone...."

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now