Final Chapter

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"You are to be sent to the Blood Prison. Life sentence." Kakashi said coldly to the man who had caused a chain of events that led to his childrens' temporary deaths.

Shin, who was bound in chakra depleting chains behind bars beared his teeth, angry that he has been defeated.

"You're lucky I'm not killing you." Kakashi said, as he stared down at the man with his blue and grey eyes.

Kakashi turned to leave the jail. And put his hand up to allow the two ANBU nearby to transport the evil man to to the Blood Prison.

Kakashi opened the door and was instantly met by Tsuki who was being held back by Sasuke and Naruto who were each holding one of her arms.

"Just let me have ten minutes with him!" Tsuki growled, she wanted to beat the shit out of Shin for everything he did to her family.

"Kakashi-sensei! Tsuki-sensei is crazy strong right now!" Naruto said as he struggled to hold her arm back. He looked over and Sasuke had a similar look of struggle on his face, which was odd for Sasuke.

Kakashi sighed and put his hand to Tsuki's forehead and used a sedation Jutsu that Tsuki had once used on Naruto. In seconds, she knocked out cold and Kakashi caught her as her head leaned forward followed quickly by her limp body.

"You can't just knock her out like that, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto said as he watched Kakashi hoist an unconscious Tsuki onto his shoulder.

"Yes I can." Kakashi said cooly,"I don't want her doing something she regrets. I almost killed Obito during the war, and I'm so glad Minato-sensei was there to stop me. Don't worry she'll wake up in a half hour, Shin will be long gone by then."

He walked back to his office and laid her on the couch. Kai and Kanari, who were being watched by Shizune were playing on the floor. The moonstones were hidden safely in the village, sealed by many barrier Jutsu.

After Shizune left, Kakashi began typing away on his computer, a new invention that made being the Hokage a lot easier as he didn't have to keep track of mountains of paperwork.

After a half hour, Tsuki sat up and looked around the room,"Where the fuck is Shin?"

"Fuck!" Kai yelled

"Kai!" Kakashi scolded,"Watch your language!"

"Fuck!" Kanari yelled mischievously. Kakashi was shocked, he couldn't believe such a bad word could come from his beautiful little angel of a daughter.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" The twins walked around the room saying the word over and over again just because they knew their mom and dad didn't like it.

Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose, the more he heard his kids say it, the funnier it sounded. He looked up to Tsuki who had her hand over her mouth trying not to laugh, which made Kakashi want to laugh.

Tsuki snorted out in laughter, and Kakashi completely lost it and couldn't help but laugh too.

"Okay we get it guyysss. Guys!" Kakashi urged them to stop saying it,"Seriously, that's a bad word and you're not allowed to say it until you're older."

"Okay daddy." They said in unison. They went back to coloring and playing on the floor. Tsuki walked over to sit in Kakashi's lap and give him a hug. They watched their children play together.

"Let's go on a date tonight, yeah?" Kakashi said,"Without the kids. Just you and me."

"Will we be able to find a babysitter last minute?" Tsuki asked.

"I've already asked Sakura." He said,"She's coming over at 6 to watch them."

It was August 20th, the two year anniversary of when Kakashi and Tsuki first started dating, and he had a romantic dinner planned for the two of them.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now