The Park (little fluffy)

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"You look cute, babe!" Kakashi snuck up behind Tsuki and hugged her while she was staring at her eyes in the mirror.

"I look like a freak with two different colored eyes." Tsuki said sarcastically. She still wasn't used to looking in the mirror and seeing one blue eye and one green one.

"Hey I had two different colored eyes for a long time, are you saying I looked like a freak?"

"No, because you made a reputation out of your two different colored eyes Mr. Kakashi of the Sharingan, he who knows nine hundred and ninety-nine jutsu." She teased.

"Ahem, it's a thousand jutsu thank you very much."

"Well this can't even do anything!" She pointed towards her left eye,"It's just.....a fucking eye."

"Don't worry babe, we'll get your original eye back." Kakashi kissed the top of her head.

"It's been three months since it got taken! Shin has probably implanted it in his head by now. Then it'll be even harder to get it back. The twins are already walking. I already saw them making hand signs the other day! Who the fuck taught them hands signs?"

"Wasn't me." Kakashi shrugged his shoulders

There was a pause when they looked at each other in the mirror.

"Naruto." They said in unison.

Tsuki sighed,"I'm just worried that the longer we go without finding it, the more the twins grow eventually they'll be in the academy and then they're even more at risk for being kidnapped. If Shin has my eye, he can control the Kaimetsu Chojougan if he somehow gets access to it. And if that happens the whole world will be in danger!"

"I know, I know..." Kakashi said with a sigh.

"Do something about it Mr. Hokage!" Tsuki teased to lighten the mood.

"Hey! I am doing something about it! At least we have one of the moonstones safe and tucked away." Kakashi laughed,"I still have a whole village to take care of and a world to rebuild, ya know. Cut me some slack."

Tsuki leaned back into his chest and stood on her tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek,"I know baby. And you're doing a fantastic job."

"Thanks, I needed the encouragement." Kakashi laid his chin on top of her head.

"You're also an amazing father, Kakashi. Better than I ever could have asked for..." Kakashi saw Tsuki's eyes sparkling as she said that too him and it warmed his heart.

"Well I'll take that as a compliment. It's hard to compete considering you're an amazing mother, dear." He hugged her waist tighter and stared at her face and body in the mirror.

Kakashi inhaled sharply and let out a deep breath,"Holy shit Tsuki, you're so hot I can't fucking take it..." His hands snaked up her shirt to harshly grab her breasts.

Tsuki laughed and pulled her pants down and bent over the bathroom sink,"Well come here, daddy." She said looking at him in the mirror.

Kakashi instantly got hard,"Mmm, hell yeah, mommy!" He said with a smirk.

Just as he went to pull his own pants down, Kai and Kanari came running down the hallway screaming. Tsuki popped up and pulled her pants up at record speed just as the twins ran into the bathroom and hugged onto Kakashi and Tsuki's legs

Kakashi looked up at the ceiling and ran his hands through his hair,"Oh my God Kuraku, your kids are fucking cockblocks" he said jokingly.

"My kids? These are your kids too, asshole." Tsuki laughed back and looked down at Kanari that was clinging to her legs.

"Mommy! Daddy! Park!" She yelled in her little high pitched voice

"Yeah! Park! Park!" Kai yelled after her.

Tsuki put on her excited mom voice,"You guys wanna go to the park?! Okay go to get your shoes on!" They ran off to the living room.

It was the weekend and Kakashi finally has a day off to be with his family.

"How did we end up with ten month olds that can run and talk?" Tsuki said with a groan.

"Well I'm not the one who's the reincarnation of Luna Kuraku so I'm blaming you for that one." Kakashi spanked her on the ass and went to the front door to help the twins put on their shoes so they could head out.

Tsuki smiled from the hallway as she watched Kakashi teach the twins put on their shoes while he occasionally kissed their foreheads and pinched their cheeks. He really was such an amazing father and Tsuki loved him for it.

Tsuki held Kai on her hip and Kakashi had Kanari on top of his shoulders while her hands tugged at his hair as they walked to the park.

When they got there, they set them free to run around and play on the jungle gym. They still stumbled here and there, but they were quite agile for their age. Orochimaru wasn't kidding when he said they would grow and develop fast.

Kakashi sat against a tree and Tsuki laid her back into his chest between his legs while he wrapped his arms around her.

"If they keep growing like this, we're going to have to start training them soon." Kakashi said

"I know." Tsuki sighed,"I wish they would stay babies forever.."

"I wonder when their Chojougan will activate. Since they're the reincarnation of Kirei and Kaito they're guaranteed to possess the trait."

"Mine did around four years old. But if they're progressing like this, I'd imagine it would be even sooner for them."

Kakashi grew worried for the safety of his kids. Shin had yet to make another appearance, but he knew they were surely still a target for the Ozawa clan,"I hope we find that second moonstone."

"Me too..."

Kai and Kanari came running up to them,"Mommy, daddy! Play!!"

Kakashi stood and went to go play with them when Kanari ran up and pretended to punch him in the knee.

"Ouch!!" Kakashi pretended like it hurt and collapsed onto the ground when Kai and Kanari jumped on top of him and began laughing like no tomorrow.

Tsuki giggled, happy with the little bubble she was in with her family.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now