The Akatsuki

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It had been a couple of months since Tsuki came to the Hidden Leaf Village. In that time, she had gone on many missions with pretty much every team and had done solo and co-op missions as well.

Overall her experiences had been great thus far; she felt really welcome and she had formed a lot of great bonds with her comrades. She was happy, despite having constant nightmares of being back in Orochimaru's captivity; But it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. She figured having nightmares about it was better than actually living it again.

Out of all the teams Tsuki worked with, she had grown quite fond of team seven. She had a good dynamic with Naruto and Sakura. She enjoyed listening to their antics even though they could get annoying at times. And something about Kakashi's calming presence, made her feel relaxed and warm no matter what type of mission they were on. She felt like since he was the first person she came in contact with when she arrived and the fact that his father was her beloved former sensei, made her feel especially close to him in comparison with the other Jonin.

They worked really well together and had started to become good comrades, maybe even friends. This bond may or may not have led Tsuki to develop a slight crush on Kakashi, but she always kept it professional and never let it get in the way of her duties as a Shinobi and she never even had a second thought about acting on it. It was just a harmless, passive affinity. Plus with his aloof personality and constant bored facial expression, she didn't think he felt the same way in the slightest.

"You summoned me, m'lady?" Tsuki asked taking at knee in front of the wooden desk in the Hokage's office.

"Thank you for coming Tsuki, I have a very important mission for you. But unfortunately we're so short staffed I can't spare any more Shinobi to go with you." Tsunade began,"Team Kakashi and Team Guy are currently on a mission to retrieve the Kazekage as he has been captured by the Akatsuki. I have a feeling they're going to need backup, so I want you to go after them and provide assistance in any way you can."

"Understood." She replied. She went on her way after getting details of their location.

She had been traveling for some time now, headed in the direction that Team Guy and Team Kakashi were sent in when finally, she stumbled upon a ravine with several wooden logs intersecting between them.

Tsuki saw a flash of yellow and silver hopping across the logs chasing after an Akatsuki member flying through the sky on a white, odd looking bird.

'Naruto! Kakashi' She thought as she jumped and ran after them. Naruto had jumped out of the ravine and made his way into the forest but Kakashi kept onward. It looked like he was trying to build up his chakra for something.

'They must have formulated some sort of plan'

Tsuki caught up and began running alongside Kakashi

"Kakashi!" She said, getting his attention.

"Tsuki? What are you doing here?....uh...I m-mean, not that I'm not glad to see you." He stuttered out.

"Well since Naruto is away from the village, Tsunade determined that they're not at an increased risk for being attacked so she sent me here as back up considering how ruthless the Akatsuki seem to be." Tsuki explained her mission details

"Well we could sure use your help." He said matter of factly.

"So what's the plan..." Her voice trailed off when she spotted Kakashi's exposed Sharingan

'The Mangekyou Sharingan? And here I thought Itachi Uchiha was the only one capable of welding that power...' She figured out at least one way she could help,"Kakashi! I'm going to jump on your back. Keep going and focus your Sharingan on the enemy!" Tsuki hopped over onto his back was he was flying through the ravine and wrapped her legs around his waist to hold herself steady. The sudden contact caused a blush to creep up onto her face, she had never been this physically close to Kakashi before.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now