The Answer (fluffy fluff)

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Kakashi couldn't stop his hands from shaking as he awaited Tsuki's answer. But at least he managed to get the words out.

He watched her face as she stared down at the ring, lips still parted in shock. This moment felt like an eternity to him and the longer she was silent, the more he worried that she was going to reject him.

Tsuki felt frozen in time as she processed what was happening right now, half believing it wasn't real. But she wanted to remember it. Her life with Kakashi flashed before her eyes.

She was convinced the reason she had abs was from all the laughs they had shared over the past 14 months. On many occasions, they would laugh so hard together that no noise came out of their mouths, it was just tears falling from their eyes and gasping for air.

'I'm gonna get to laugh with him forever?' She thought

She remembered the chemistry they have as a ninja duo. Sure, their job was dangerous, but it was a dream that she got work so closely with Kakashi everyday. Especially since Tsunade was nice enough to keep them together on most missions. In fact, they were so complimentary of each other in battle, they earned the nickname the Onaji duo, solidifying how much they thought alike and how it translated into fights.

'I'm gonna get to work with him forever?'

She recalled how many heated and passionate nights, days, and mornings they had spent together. In bed, on the floor, in the shower, on the dining table, on the kitchen counter, on the couch, hidden in the forest on missions, on hotel retreats, they basically couldn't keep their hands off each other. She thought of how Kakashi could make her melt with the touch of his hands and his voice and how he always sought to please her sexually no matter what the circumstances were. He'd bend over backwards to make her feel fulfilled and satisfied in that way and she would do the same for him.

'I'm gonna get to make love to him forever?"

She thought of how Kakashi always emotionally supported her. How he held her when she broke down in front of her parents graves, how he calmed her back to sleep when she woke up in a cold sweat from nightmares due to the trauma from the three years of her captivity, how he knew exactly when to back off and when to step in and support her. She was glad she was able to do the same to him, calm him down after a nightmare, prevent anxiety attacks from fully overtaking him. He was the only one that completely understood her emotions and the thought process that often accompanied those emotions. They were both broken people when they met and they patched each other up.

'I get to be by his side......forever?'

'He wants to marry me?'

'He wants to make me his wife?'

'That ring is so beautiful'

'Aww, Kashi is so nervous, it must have taken a lot to ask me'

'He looks so cute'

'Wow I need to calm my heart rate down'

'My last name is going to be Hatake?'

'And I eventually get to have his babies?'


'Of course!'


Her mind raced with these thoughts, when in reality only about 20 seconds had passed.

She smiled the biggest smile she could, stretching her lips and puffing her cheeks to their limit. She couldn't help it. She was brimming with happiness at hearing Kakashi's question. Happy tears started falling from her eyes as she zoned back into reality and looked at Kakashi who was nervously awaiting her answer, still holding the ring out for her.

"Yes Kakashi! Yes! Absolutely! Yes! Yes!" She yelled out of excitement.

Kakashi rarely cried, but a single tear fell from his eye at hearing Tsuki's answer and how eagerly she answered it.

"Oh thank God." Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief as he scooped her up into a hug and spun her around before placing a smiley kiss on her lips.

They both giggled and kept giving each other small kisses between laughs as happy tears fell from both their eyes.

Kakashi's heart was still racing, but the pounding had finally calmed down now that Tsuki said yes.

"Holy shit, that was the scariest thing I've ever done, Kuraku." Kakashi admitted.

"Did you think I was gonna say no?" Tsuki asked a smile plastered on her face.

"No. I knew you were gonna say's still nerve wracking though" he replied. Tsuki reached up and wiped the tears from his face, something she never had the chance to do since Kakashi almost never cried.

He took her left hand into his as he removed the ring from the box and slid it onto her ring finger. It fit perfectly.

"Oh thank God I bought the right size." Kakashi said. Tonight was a night of many reliefs for Kakashi.

Kakashi smiled as she stared at the ring on her finger.  It looked good on her, just has he suspected.

"This is so fucking pretty." She said holding the moonstone ring up into the moonlight.

"Yes you are" Kakashi said smoothly pulling her to him by her waist.

"I like cliche romantic Kakashi" she teased.

Kakashi just hugged her and kissed the top of her head, taking in the scent of her hair.

He never thought he'd get here in life. 

He was engaged to the most beautiful woman.

"I want to marry you before the war." Kakashi said,"If I die, I want to die knowing I made you my wife. I know we only have a couple days, I probably shouldn't have waited this long, and you probably won't get the dream wedding you maybe want, but please, this is the only time I'll request something like this."

Tsuki cupped his face in her hand,"Of course, dear.  You should know me by now, I can barely handle it when you compliment me. There's no way I want a bunch of eyes on us when we get married. I want it to be just us and whoever will marry us. Maybe Guy and Kurenai to witness. I just want to be with you."

Kakashi smiled,"That's what I figured. I just didn't want to assume."

She placed a kiss on his lips before stepping back on the hill and looking to the sky.

"I'M ENGAGED!!!!" She yelled into the sky, she couldn't contain her excitement,"I HAVE A FIANCÉ!!"

Kakashi laughed,"DITTO!!!" He yelled into the sky as well.

He walked up to her and placed a hand on her chin to lift towards his face and kissed her again.

"God, I'm so in love with you." He said through gritted teeth.

Tsuki chuckled,"Ditto."

"Ok, we can go home now." Kakashi scooped her up bridal style and carried her back to their shared home, soon to officially be the Hatake residence.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now