Shikamaru's Plan

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"Lady Hatake, does Shin need his hands to manipulate the Chojougan?" Shikamaru asked.

"I don't know about the Kaimetsu, but I would imagine so, our eyes let us see the chakra swirling in nature, but we use our hands to manipulate the chakra and move the elements, almost like a puppet Jutsu." Tsuki explained.

"Shin is likely going to make it difficult for us to even get close to him. So we're going to need to take him by surprise, at every angle. We're going to need to immobilize his hands, maybe even cut them off."

"But then there's the question... If we do get ahold of his eye, who are we going to put it into?" Ten-Ten asked.

"Yes! Who should control the Chojougan since Lady Hatake is unable to at the moment?!" Rock Lee added.

"There's only one logical answer as to who should get the Chojougan implanted.." Shikamaru said

"Who?!" Everyone asked at once.

"Kakashi-sensei." He said.

"Me?" Kakashi raised his eyebrows. He just lost the Sharingan in the war he didn't know if he could handle getting another Kekkei genkai implanted, especially his wife's eye, he'd feel like he would be stealing it from her,"I should be the one to take Tsuki's eye?"

"Yes." Shikamaru elaborated,"You're the only one here with impeccable chakra control, that is familiar with using all five nature types and has had past experience with controlling a kekkei genkai that isn't natively yours.."

"Take my eye, Kashi. This is to get Kai and Kana back.." Tsuki said grabbing onto Kakashi's forearm, giving him a silent look of love and approval with her bi-colored eyes.

He nodded to her and then to the group,"Okay... I'll do anything I need to to bring my son and daughter back..."

There was another crash outside.

"Shikamaru! We don't have much time! Tell us your plan!" Choji said.

Shikamaru divulged his strategy.

Choji, Ino, and Ten-Ten stayed back watching over Kai and Kanari's bodies, ready to bring them out when the time was right.

"Go Sai!" Shikamaru instructed.

Sai scribbled onto his paper,"Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll!" releasing a mixture of ink animals consisting of birds and snakes slithering toward Shin as a distraction.

Kakashi was holding onto to Sakura as he made his way underground to get near Shin. Once one of the team members got a hold of the eye, they were going to pass it to Sakura to implant into Kakashi's eye socket.

He sighed, this would be the second time a medical ninja from team seven would be giving him a new eye.

"You think you can attack me when I have all this power at my disposal?!?!" Shin taunted the group,"Your children are already dead! Your resistance is futile!"

Tsuki gritted her teeth,"Fuck you, Shin!" She couldn't think of something more witty to say, she was fucking pissed, and she just wanted this goon's head on a pike.

Shin made the winds of the hurricane even stronger, pushing back some of the the ink snakes and birds headed his way.

"Now, Temari!" Shikamaru gestured for her to release her jutsu.

"Wind Scythe Jutsu!" Temari yelled as she swung her giant fan against the wind. The power from Temari's fan cancelled out a small tunnel in the winds of the hurricane Shin was producing and allowed her and Shikamaru to advance closer to Shin.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now