An Old Friend

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*back to regularly scheduled programming! Changing some details of the show to fill in the gap. Following the Ultimate Naruto Shippuden Timeline technically Tsunade wakes up January 8th but the war doesn't happen until October so I'm like ????*

A few months had passed, the Allied Shinobi forces was in full swing and Madara was still out capturing the tailed beasts in the months leading up to the war.

Kakashi was to be named Commander and Captain of the Third Division, Tsuki 1st Lieutenant, and Guy 2nd Lieutenant.

Tsuki and Kakashi spent a lot of their days training the members of their division on various battle techniques, ninjutsu, and formations.

In between, they were assigned co-op missions by Lady Tsunade and had the occasional day off.

Today, Tsunade had a mission for them.

Kakashi and Tsuki entered the Hokage's office. Tsuki wore her black long sleeve with an attached mask, an outfit she made a habit of wearing anytime she left the village for a dangerous mission, to conceal her identity as the last Chojougan user.

"I have an A-rank mission for the two of you." Tsunade began to explain,"A client specifically requested the Onaji duo, you guys have made quite the name for yourselves."

Kakashi and Tsuki exchanged glances.

"There's a weapons manufacturer and dealer that we've convinced to aid the Shinobi Allied Forces and he needs to be escorted back to the Takumi village to fulfill our order in preparing for the war. But being as he's joined our side, he's become a target for rogue and enemy ninja." She slid a scroll across the table and Tsuki picked it up

Tsunade continued,"Everything is outlined in the scroll, he should be waiting for your at the gate right about now. This is a very important mission in aiding is in the war, good luck you guys."

Kakashi and Tsuki bowed and exited the room.

They walked out of the building and began making their way to the gates of them village.

"A weapons manufacturer and dealer? That's huge for us, we were running out of weapons due to the sheer number of the people that have enrolled in the military." Kakashi pointed out.

"That makes it all the more important that we get this guy to the Takumi village as quickly as possible." Tsuki replied,"I wonder who it is."

Tsuki unrolled the scroll and her and Kakashi started skimming over its contents.

They both stopped walking.

"Tsukata Hachi?!!?!" Kakashi blurted out. Tsuki reached out and put a hand over his masked mouth.

"Sshhhhh!" She said,"This is an A-rank mission! Don't go blurting out the details!"

"Lady Tsunade expects us to help escort that son of a bitch creep that put his hands all over you and kissed you on our first co-op mission together?! I put that guy in a genjutsu to make him think he had sex with you! I don't want him around you at all!" Kakashi said with a loud whisper.

"Look, I know it's a shit situation but this is for the sake of the village!" She whispered back just as loud,"I'm wearing my mask to hide my face and he doesn't even know my real name. Remember? He thinks I'm Misaki. I don't want to be around the creep either but this is a mission we need to complete and you know it."

Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. She was right. He was letting his over protectiveness of Tsuki cloud his judgement.

"Fine." Kakashi said annoyed,"But let me do most of the talking. I don't want him recognizing your voice. At the same time I wouldn't make it obvious that you're trying not to talk to him. We want to keep the relationship between him and the Leaf good for the sake of the war."

"Understood." Tsuki nodded. They resumed walking.

Kakashi and Tsuki walked up to the gate and immediately recognized the scumbag with blonde hair and green eyes waiting for them.

"Tsukata Hachi?" Kakashi asked flatly as the pair approached him.

"Yup." Tsukata replied,"I assume you two are the Onaji duo I requested?" Tsukata immediately looked over to Tsuki and eye'd her up and down. Kakashi clenched his jaw in reaction knowing he was checking her out, but maintained his composure.

'Maybe I shouldn't have worn something so tight.' Tsuki thought to herself as she felt Tsukata's eyes stare at her.

"We are. I'm Kakashi Hatake and this is Tsuki Kuraku. We'll be escorting you to the Takumi Village.."

"Yeah, yeah, sounds good." Tsukata said brushing off Kakashi's statement and instead walking directly up to Tsuki,"You know your blue eyes are stunning. Have we met before?"

Tsuki froze, not knowing if she should speak but knew she couldn't ignore him as a client of the leaf village,"Not that I'm aware of, sir." She responded

"You seem so familiar to me... Oh well maybe I'm just seeing things. Shall we get going?' he said

Kakashi rolled his eyes,"Let's go."

They began walking through the forest towards the Takumi village in the typical escorting formation. Tsuki took the front, Tsukata stayed in the middle, and Kakashi covered the rear.

Kakashi in the back was fuming as he watched Tsukata stare hungrily at Tsuki's ass, wishing he could punch a hole in his chest with his Chidori.

Tsukata slowed his pace to walk next to Kakashi. Tsuki kept onward ahead of them.

"Man I swear I've seen that girl before." Tsukata said to him.

"She's not a girl, she's a woman." Kakashi said in her defense.

"You're right just look at her curves. I swear her body seems so familiar, and her striking blue eyes I know I've seen them before. She reminds me of this woman I met at a bar and ended up taking home a while ago.. She was unforgettable if you know what I mean.... The sweetest, softest lips I've ever kissed... The most perfect ass....Misaki was her name. She had the same blue eyes and curvy body Tsuki does."

Kakashi was gritting his teeth and forced himself to relax his jaw,"I've known Tsuki for a while, that doesn't sound like her."

"Oh come on, you're telling me man to man that you wouldn't hit that given the chance?" Tsukata asked,"I would. I may even try my luck on this journey."

Steam was practically coming out of Kakashi's ears, he couldn't believe what he was hearing,"I'm not commenting on my comrade's sex life." He replied calmly, he wanted nothing more than to knock this guy out and drop him in a ditch.

"Well then I'll just have to lay down the charm myself.." Tsukata said picking up his pace to catch up with Tsuki. Kakashi had to restrain himself from sticking his foot out and tripping the guy. He could only watch helplessly as he went to try and flirt with Tsuki, but then he thought of something.

"Tsuki! Tsukata!" Kakashi yelled out causing them to both turn around,"It's getting late, there's an inn nearby, we should stop for the night and rest."

"Good idea." Tsuki said in response giving him a closed eye smile. Kakashi smirked as he saw Tsukata look defeated.

They headed down the road and entered the inn.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now