Milestones (fluff)

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I know, I know so much fluff lately, sorry I stan Kakashi and Tsuki as parents, next chapter will be a lemon 😁

Kakashi had been back to work as Hokage for two months now and he was extremely busy and overwhelmed. The twins were just shy of turning six months of old so he had his hands full at home as they were mentally developing at a rapid rate.

In addition to being a new father, Kakashi also had to pull Shikamaru to meet with the other five Kage on his behalf, leaving the investigation into the strange intruder Kakashi noticed up to him. Things were moving slower than he wanted to, especially since this matter possibly concerned the safety of his family.

Kakashi trudged through the front door of their home and found dinner on the table while Tsuki was feeding the twins some pureed apricots while they were sitting in their high chairs.

"Hey, Kashi. How was work?" Tsuki smiled at the sight of her husband walking through the door

"Oh you know. New day, same stuff.." Kakashi responded tiredly as he looked around the room. The house was spotless, there wasn't anything left for him to help out with, so he sat at the dining table and started eating his food. He scooted up to Kanari's high chair and took the spoon from Tsuki's hand to help feed her so she could focus on feeding Kai.

"Babe, don't worry about it. I can do this. You look like you had a long day at work..' Tsuki said.

"No, really I want to help out with this stuff. You do so much at home taking care of them already. Plus I don't want to miss out on moments like these all the time just because of work.." Kakashi smiled at her.

"Thanks, babe." Tsuki scooted over to make room for him.

Kanari squealed at the sight of Kakashi, she loved seeing her dad. Tsuki was almost jealous sometimes seeing how much Kanari liked being around her dad, but nonetheless it warmed her heart to see him interact with his little girl.

"Alright Kana.." Kakashi scooped up some of the fruit and brought it to her mouth,"Open up wide, say ahhhh" Kakashi opened his mouth up wide and Kanari mimicked his actions and opened up when he stuck the spoon in her mouth. She happily swallowed the fruit down.

"Yes!" Kakashi felt victorious, Kanari was a stubborn eater,"Gimme some." He held his hand up to Tsuki for a high five which she met with her own hand.

Kakashi laughed and looked down at the baby food to start scooping up some more of her food when one of the best moments of his life played out.

"Da......da...." Kanari said pointing at Kakashi.

Kakashi and Tsuki's mouth fell open as they tried to process what they just heard.

"Did she just-" Kakashi started his sentence but couldn't finish before Tsuki interrupted.

"I think so. She called you dada, Kashi!" Tsuki instantly got excited and started doing small little claps in Kanari's direction,"Yayy baby good job!!!!"

Kanari recognized the praise from her mom and giggled,"Da...da!" She said again a little more clearer.

Kakashi's heart quickened, this was a weird feeling of joy he never had before,"Oh my God, Tsuki, I'm so glad I didn't miss her first word. Good job Kana, you're absolutely right! I'm your dada!" He leaned in and smiled giddily as he rubbed his nose against Kanari's.

"Dada!" She said again reaching for his face and grabbing his lips and pulling on them. Kakashi felt like he was going to faint he was so happy. He turned his head and pretended to munch on her little hand making her pull her hand back and giggle while her ocean blue eyes sparkled.

Tsuki felt so warm and content watching their interaction when someone else decided to speak up.

"" Kai said pointing to Tsuki, making Kakashi and Tsuki go silent again and look over at Kai.

"Oh my god." Tsuki said,"Oh my god Kashi oh my god. He just-"

Kakashi ran his hand up and down Tsuki's back,"You heard him right, Kuraku, he called you mama!"

Tears started brimming her eyes as she leaned in and planted kisses all over her son's face,"Good job Kai!"

He giggled in response,"Mama!"

At this point Kanari looked over at Kai with her finger pointed again at Kakashi,"Dada!" She said again with an assertive tone.

"Mama!" Kai yelled back pointing again at Tsuki

"Mama?" Kanari sounded like she was asking a question while moving her pointing finger to point at Tsuki

"Mama!" Kai yelled back,"Dada?" Kai pointed his finger at Kakashi.

"Whoa, what the fuck is happening?" Kakashi asked as he watched this unfold

"Dada!" Kanari yelled again at Kai.

"I think they're teaching each other the words they learned.." Tsuki was just as puzzled.

After they finished their little lesson, Kai and Kanari just started babbling to each other as if they were having a normal conversation, Tsuki and Kakashi heard the words 'mama' and 'dada' mixed into it.

"Kakashi, Kana and Kai aren't supposed to be able to say words like that until like four months from now."

"I know. And they're already crawling very well. And they're even attempting to stand at times" Kakashi responded,"Did you put steroids in your breast milk or what?"

She lightly punched his arm,"Stop! But seriously, should they be developing this fast?"

"Well we take them into see Tsunade for all their checkups and she says they're doing fine. But mentally and in some aspects physically, they seem months ahead of their age." He replied.

"I think they're just special..." Tsuki smiled as she rested her head on Kakashi's shoulder.

"Definitely." He turned to place a kiss on the top of their head.

They finished feeding the twins and Kakashi took their dirty dishes to the sink.

"I know you probably have some work to do on the investigation, I'm gonna take kids for a bath and get them settled for the night, ok?"

"You sure you don't need any help?" Kakashi asked, he wanted to help, but he did have a lot of work to catch up on.

"Don't worry about. We've got our bedtime routines down pat!" She held the kids, one in each arm while they reached up and played with her hair and babbled

Kakashi smiled, Tsuki was so beautiful to him still, and she looked even more gorgeous to him while she was holding the kids,"Ok then, I'll try not to stay up to late. Thank you for dinner, I can't believe how much better your cooking has gotten" he said as he retreated into the home office

"Learned from the best!" She shouted as he closed the door behind him.

"Okay, ready for bath time guys?" She said looking at the twins.

They just responded with a scream of approval. She retreated into their second bathroom and started filling up the tub to start their night time routines.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now