Getting Over Fear

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*fluff chapter! Next one will be a lemon!*

Kakashi paced around his home, heartbroken as he felt he was about to let Tsuki slip away. I mean she didn't seem excited about the whole Genma idea but she couldn't wait for Kakashi forever, even if she did have feelings for him like that.

Kakashi rinsed his face off with cold water before replacing his mask and heading back out to find Sakura. He needed her help.

He was determined to get over his fear of asking Tsuki out.

After walking around the village for a little bit he found Sakura and Ino walking together towards the Yamanaka families' flower shop.

"Sakura! Wait up can I talk to you privately for a moment?" Kakashi asked

"Sure, is there something wrong Kakashi-sensei?" She asked slightly confused as he pulled her aside.

"No, no. I just need your help with something. I can't believe I'm about to admit this." He said rubbing the back of his head.

"Let me guess, you're totally in love with Tsuki-sensei!" She said before he had a chance to admit it.

"What? How'd you know?" He was shocked

"Oh my God Kakashi-sensei are you gonna ask her to be your girlfriend?! How romantic!" Sakura gushed.

"Shh Sakura, keep your voice down!" Kakashi whispered

By this time Sakura pulled Ino over to join the conversation.

"Ino! Kakashi-sensei is gonna ask Tsuki-sensei out!" Sakura explained excitedly.

"Oh my God! I knew it! What do you need help with Kakashi-sensei?!" Ino said

"Well...." Kakashi began,"How do I do it?"

Sakura and Ino's faces went flat.

"You mean... You've never asked a girl out before ever?" Sakura said

Kakashi thought about it and recalled that only women he had talked to in that way were women he met, usually on missions, that ended up just being a one night stand. Just women he slept with, he was never in love before, he didn't know what to do with this feeling,"Well not exactly..." He admitted nervously, sparing the young girls the details.

"It's not that bad Kakashi-sensei. Just tell her how you feel! Ask her out to dinner, think of something to do together. Oh! There's that festival that's starting tomorrow maybe you can take her to something like that. Or just for a romantic walk in the park! Anything really, girls just want to be with the guy they like they don't care what they end up doing on a date!" Sakura explained,"Honestly Kakashi-sensei we've all seen the way you act around each other she's not gonna say no, you just need to go to her house and ask her!"

Kakashi grew incredibly nervous as the pressure on him began to significantlty increase. Sakura was right, he just needed to get over himself and ask her.

"Thank you girls this helped..." Kakashi said and began to walk away towards Tsuki's house.

"Good luck Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura and Ino yelled from behind him.

On his way, he picked up some sushi and dango for Tsuki, knowing she probably hadn't eaten some real food since she got out of the hospital
Tsuki was laying in her bed still angry at Kakashi's lack of reaction to the whole Genma situation. Did he really not care? Was she wrong in thinking he had some type of feelings for her?

Just as she was about to take a nap to sleep off her frustration, there was a knock at her door and felt a familiar chakra.

'Kakashi' she thought

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now