Quick Recovery

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Tsuki's eyes shot open. She sat up and tried to decipher her surroundings.

The hospital. It was dark outside.

She looked over to her left and saw Kakashi sleeping in a recliner with Kai and Kanari snuggled up to his chest.

Kakashi awoke at the sound of Tsuki waking up so suddenly and looked over at her.

They started silently mouthing words to each other so as not to wake the kids.

"They're okay?" Tsuki mouthed while pointing towards Kai and Kanari.

Kakashi nodded.

"Where's Shin?"

"He escaped." Kakashi pulled down his mask and mouthed back with a disappointed look in his eyes.

Tsuki put her hands to her head, both out of frustration and she got hit with a sharp pain in her head,"What happened?"

Kakashi hit the call light to call the nurse to the room to get her some pain medicine.

"You got a concussion. Shin must have knocked you out. You've been asleep for about ten hours. By the time Sai and the former Foundation members caught up to you, Shin was gone."

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch for touching my children." Tsuki mouthed with fire in her eyes.

"Me too." Kakashi replied. He quickly replaced the mask onto his face as the nurse walked in.

"Lady Hatake." She whispered,"I just have some pain medicine for your head. It might make you a little sleepy."

Tsuki pulled her arm away as the nurse went to put the pain medicine into her IV,"If it's gonna knock me out I don't want it. I need to stay awake to watch over my kids." Tsuki then reached up to grab her head again as she squeezed her eyes shut, the pain was getting worse.

"Just take the medicine, Tsuki. You need to take care of yourself first if you're gonna take care of the kids." Kakashi whispered

"I assure you Lady Hatake that Lord Sixth has been here the entire time and has not let little Kai and Kanari out of his sight." The nurse tried to calm Tsuki's nerves. She looked over to Kakashi and he nodded, affirming the statement made by the nurse and giving her permission to go to sleep if she needed to.

Tsuki sighed she lifted her arm so the nurse could access her IV. She gave it and left the room.

Just after the medicine went in, it started to kick in. Tsuki's face felt a little tingly and she definitely felt her headache go away. She turned to look at Kakashi who pulled his mask down to silently mouth "I love you."

Tsuki's eyelids became heavy,"Love you." She managed to whisper before drifting off to a painless sleep.

Kakashi watched her bright bi-colored eyes close shut and smiled at her peaceful sleeping face. He still couldn't believe he gets to wake up to that face every day.

Then he looked down to the kids that were snuggled up to his chest.

'Fuck, that was a close call' he thought back to Shin's attempt to kidnap the kids. He was grateful that him and Tsuki were able to rescue then safely. His only regret was leaving Tsuki behind to fight Shin alone, leading her to get injured. But he had no other choice, he knew Tsuki would have done the same if the roles were reversed. He watched the twins faces twitch in their sleep.

'Maybe it's about time we start training then. At least on the most basic stuff. They need to be able to protect themselves since they possess such an enormous power.' he thought again.

Kakashi held his son and daughter a little tighter and fell asleep thinking of how he and Tsuki could possibly train ten month olds and how they were going to find Shin and that second moonstone.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now