A Moment Before the War

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Tsuki slipped on her new uniform that bore the Hatake Clan crest and stared at herself in the full length mirror of her and Kakashi's bedroom.

It was early in the morning, the war was starting today and she was second in command to her husband over an entire Division.  She didn't really know what emotions to feel. How are you supposed to feel when you're responsible for so many lives?

After securing her fingerless gloves, she started zipping up her uniform in the back when Kakashi appeared behind her and finished zipping it up for her and then snaked his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

Kakashi was also clad in his new uniform, which was essentially the same but matched the crests of Tsuki's uniform. He reached into his pocket and pulled out her headband with the engraved Hatake and Kuraku symbols on it and handed it to her, which Tsuki took and tied around her head the same way she always did. 

They both reached for the satchels they packed chock full of ninja tools, food pills, and medicines that they prepared the night before after they got back from their movie date and looked at each other.

They took a step back and admired each other's newish appearance. 

Kakashi couldn't help but be proud of his wife, an extremely strong and fierce Kunoichi, that had come into her own as a leader and sensei of the village since her arrival.  Several people had told him that if they were to go into war, they'd want her by their side as a reliable and trusted comrade. He couldn't have asked for a better commanding officer.

Tsuki felt the same about Kakashi, he was such an established figure of the village and everyone entrusted him with their lives. He almost became Hokage for christ-sake.  Even if he weren't her husband, even if they weren't dating and were just comrades, Tsuki would wholeheartedly follow him into battle with him as her captain.

Tsunade's wedding gift truly did remind them that if all else fails they would have each other and they both kept that thought in the forefront of their minds as they prepared to put their lives on the line to save their village, and honestly the whole world.

Tsuki reached up and pulled his headband down to cover his left eye and smiled,"Ready, Captain?" To keep things simple, they decided to refer to each other as their rank most of the time so as not to confuse the shinobi soldiers they were in charge of.

He pulled his mask down and leaned in for what would probably be their last kiss for a while. Both of their hearts skipped a beat when their lips collided.

As their lips parted he pressed his forehead to hers and looked into her ocean eyes with his one exposed grey one,"Ready." He said.

They both headed out to meet the Third Division in preparation for battle.

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