Retrieving the Moonstone Pt. 3

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"Aghhh, Kakashi-sensei! How much further?!" Naruto was growing impatient. The group had been traveling for five days now, having to stop at a new village each night to rest.

"I don't know Naruto, why don't you ask Kanari?" Kakashi said with his typical bored tone.

"Little-sis Kanari!" Naruto looked up at her on Tsuki's shoulders,"Do your special powers tell us how close we are?!"

Kanari giggled,"I think we're close but I don't know..."

"Ugh!" Naruto threw his hands in the air.

"You know, Naruto, some ANBU go on missions that can take months to years..." Tsuki said.

"I know but it's hot!" Naruto said. It was true, it was extremely hot outside. The twins had just turned one so it was the dead middle of summer in July.

"So, what do these moonstones actually do?" Kankuro asked.

"I guess at the beginning of my clan there was a woman named Luna Kuraku who developed our kekkei genkai. She developed an even greater power than our basic Chojougan called the Kaimetsu Chojougan which has the power to create and control destructive, world-ending weather patterns..." Tsuki explained,"When I went to Godai she gave me a terrifying vision of the ability."

"And how are the twins connected?" Temari asked.

"Luna had twins named Kirei and Kaito. Tsuki seems to be the reincarnation of Luna, meaning Kai and Kanari are the reincarnation of the twins. Because of conflicts in the land near Godai, Luna sealed the power to unlock the Kaimetsu Chojougan into two different moonstones only able to be unlocked by the twins chakra system." Kakashi said,"If it were to be unlocked, Tsuki would be able to control it with her eyes.,....well...eye." he glanced over to look at Tsuki's bi-colored eyes, remembering that one was stolen from her.

"Unfortunately, when we went to go rescue Tsuki-sensei from the Ozawa clan, Shin swung down and stole one of her eyes! Meaning he has the power of the Chojougan now and could control the Kaimetsu Chojougan if he had the chance, which is why we must recover the second moonstone and keep it safe in the village." Sakura chimed in.

"Ahh, I see..." Sai explained,"So Tsuki-sensei is upset about losing her eye?"

"NO, SAI!" Naruto and Sakura yelled at their teammate.

"Are you ever going to learn to read a room?!" Sakura pointed her finger in his face, which had a smug smile on it.

Kai and Kanari laughed at the three of them, instantly ending the argument.

"It would be great to have my eye back, but I don't necessarily need it, my Kekkei genkai isn't any less powerful. The main objective of this mission is to retrieve the second moonstone and keep the twins safe, that's all." Tsuki said.

"And to apprehend Shin, if possible.." Kakashi added with venom in his voice. He was still upset that Shin had hurt his wife on more than one occasion and tried to kidnap his children.

"Right... And to apprehend Shin." Tsuki confirmed.

"That way!!" Kanari pointed in a new direction. The group followed her for a couple more hours. They stumbled upon a large, shallow pond that was being fed by a hidden waterfall, it was surrounded by tropical greenery.

Kakashi looked over at Tsuki and Kanari who was staring at the scene in awe.

"Wow! This is so beautiful!" Tsuki said, Kanari giggled in response.

"Yeah it really is.." Kakashi said.

"Daddy! Can we play in the water?!" Kai said kicking his legs on top of Kakashi's shoulders.

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