Chapter 81

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Jayden's POV

Waking up today, I was not in a very jolly mood. I would smile and give out occasional chuckles but I was serious.

Today was the start of the plan that we made. We went over it over and over again last night at the meeting and we were confident that it would work.

The day started earlier than usual. At four in the morning, every warrior was already at the training fields after having their light breakfasts. And now, they were ready for another day of rigorous training.

In these last two days, I will personally lead the training of the cats and wolves myself.

Walking up to the others with my mate beside me, I shivered slightly as the still cold air hit me.

"A very cold morning to you all." I greeted when we reached them.

"Cold is an understatement. I'm freezing my butt off here..." Cole shivered out. "Not very fun to be in workout clothes right now."

"You're that cold??" Brody mused as he looked at his friend.

"Maybe you're just being dramatic like Mikey." Mason added, smirking at the mentioned omega.

"Hey!!" The young wolf shouted in protest on hearing his name.

Cole on the other hand, gave Brody a pointed glare. "Well excuse me. Did you all forget that I'm still human??"

"Alright, alright don't start. We still have to get started on training." I cut in before their conversation could continue.

They all nodded their heads, their expressions turning serious as I walked up in front. Catching the attentions of the warriors.

"EVERYONE FORM!!!" I yelled out in which they immediately scurried to their places, including my mate who stood ready with Louren, Anna and Cindy.

"Before we get started, I would like to inform you all first that later in the afternoon, right after our training there will be a very important announcement. All warriors are required to attend. Am I understood?!?!"

"Yes sir!!" They all replied loudly.

"Good. Now like always, all casters follow Tobias, Elise and Julius who will lead your training. And for the remainder, stand ready cause we are going to start our warm-ups." Saying with authority, they all did as I said without question.

After warm-ups, we proceeded with training which was itself very tiring. For the first three hours, we did intense training exercises to develope our cardio and strength along with some foot-works for our agility.

And like I said, if possible nobody was allowed to stop. But if we would see someone who looked like he or she was about to pass out, we'd give them enough time to rest. We weren't that heartless.

But for the rest, we weren't giving them any leeway.

"If I see anyone slacking off, they'll receive fifty extra laps!!" I yelled out the warning as I watched them jog around the very wide field.

A hundred and fifty laps around. Very difficult, but not impossible if you're used to it. And luckily since we began training the packs, we've worked om that. And now they didn't find it as hard as they did months ago.

When everyone had finished their hundred and fiftieth lap, I immediately instructed them to give me one hundred push-ups.

There were no complaints cause they all knew me well enough to know that a complaint would only result to even more intense exercises. So it was a wise decision on their part that they chose to keep their mouths shut.

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