Chapter 91

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Jayden's POV

Like I said, after breakfast we met with the other rogue alphas as well as everyone else in my group.

We went over the plan once more to make sure that everyone fully understands what to do cause we only had one chance at this attack so we have to make sure that everything goes to plan.

"Okay so I hope everyone fully knows what to do." I said and watched as everyone gave out nods.

"Good. Remember to listen closely to my orders. Before the fight starts, Julius will cast the spell to shield everyone from Marcus's incantations. And when we face the bastards, keep in mind to wait for my signal. Tobias, Joey, Aiden, you guys know what to do." I looked at them as they gave me assuring nods.

"Alright, and another thing. Also remember to keep an eye out for anyone acting suspicious." I said. "The spy things we're heading for the eastern border of the Neutral Lands. Once he or she notices that we'll be coming from the west, surely the spy will be confused and try to get answers. So if anyne asks, don't tell them of the real plan. I'll be the one that will explain once we arrive at the clearing."

They all listened with serious expressions on their faces. All of us here have been meeting and making sure that we had every detail in the plan thought through so that it would have the greatest chance of success.

"Jacob, Darryl, I know this is last minute but when we get to the clearing, could you have at least three of your cats to head in this area?? Miya, Leo, Tracy and my pup's escape route is through there. And since that area is still well behind enemy lines, werecats are best suited for this. Giving that you guys can sneak in quieter. When your cats get there, have them find and escort Leo and the others to safety."

"Understood. We'll choose the best of our warriors once we arrive." Jacob assured.

"When you do instruct them, make sure that they won't tell anyone else. And pick the ones that you fully trust since we still don't know who this spy is." Timothy voiced and I silently agreed with what he had said.

"We will. Don't worry, we will make sure of Leo and the other's safety. Especially Lucas's." Darryl said as he looked at me and I greatly appreciated his assurance.

"Pup. They'll pay for ever taking him. Especially Marcus and that bitch, Taylor." Ros snarled in my mind and I completely agreed with him.

"Don't worry, cause they definitely will." I said to my wolf. Feeling my own anger rising.

Maddison might have known this, cause she started rubbing my arm which did the trick since my anger started to subside but still not completely.

Just then, a knock came from the door before it opened to reveal James and Anthony.

"Sorry to disturb sir. But I came here to inform you that everyone has already gathered in the training field." James said.

"Okay. Thank you James. Anthony. We'll be heading there now." I said before they left. Turning back to the others, I could definitely tell that they were waiting on me.

"Alright, lets head towards the others. Brody, I have to ask. Are you sure you want to come with us?? We'd understand if you'd rather stay here with Cole. You grew up as a human. So technically, this isn't your fight." I could see the gears working in his head as as thought of what I said. But soon enough he gave me a smile.

"WAS a human. Not anymore. So this is my fight as well, Jay. And also, Marcus and his vampires have been preying humans. Julius said it himself. Many are still missing. So to speak, this doesn't just concern the supernaturals. But also mortal humans as well."

"Well I guess that your mind is made up. Just rest assured that Cole will stay here where it's safe. And then we can make sure that Marcus and his vampires will never prey on anyone else ever again." I said.

As we soon walked out of Darryl's office, we exited the pridehouse and made our way to where our army has gathered. And like this morning during breakfast, you could feel the heaviness in the air when we got there.

Families looked like they were at the verge of tears as well as the mates of the warriors and casters.



Loved ones.

Basically everyone that they care about. These are the ones that they risk losing. But we all know that they are also the ones at risk if we don't stop Marcus.

"This heaviness is killing me. I understand that they're terrified of what might happen but, we can't face Marcus with them like this." Mikey whispered to me seriously as we reached the front of our forces.

I nodded at what he said, and turned my gaze back to the army. Some of which, would never come back alive tomorrow. And that's exactly the reason why they were terrified.

The fear of the unknown future.

"Jayden. We should go. We still have to travel towards the Neutral Lands. We have to get there before sundown so that everyone could have some rest before the fight." Garreth said as he stood beside the other high ranks.

"Okay. All of you get to ypur respective packs. Darryl, Jacob, lead the werecats as Tobias and Julius will lead the casters. We're all moving out right now." The all nodded before heading out to do what I said.

Maddison stood beside me as our moms, including Lina, walked up to us.

"Please. The both of you, please be safe. Promise me that you'll come back alive." Mom choked out. Her voice full of worry as her tears threatened to fall.

"Mom, you know full well that we can't make that promise." I said to her softly. I know that feeling. The fear of losing your child. Of losing someone you love.

"But what I can say is that we'll do our best." I add, cupping her cheeks as I wiped away her tears.

"I've already lost you once Jayden. I cannot bare to lose you again." She sobbed out before engulfing me in her warm hug.

My chest clenched at seeing my mother like this. But I can at least rest easy, knowing she's safe here.

"I love you mom." Was all I said, giving a kiss on her head before she slowly pulled away.

Maddison also talked with her mom, the scene mirroring what I had with my own mother.

Lina also sobbed before taking her turn to pull me in her hug. On my stay in Bloodrose, she has stood to me a motherly figure to me and for that I am very thankful. She and Garreth had made sure to make me feel loved as a family.

And as we all marched to where we'd fight our battle, a thought kept on repeating in my mind.

Will I ever see them again??

Short chapter but, meh...

Just trying to make some tension before the whole battle.

Anyways, next chap we go...


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