Bonus Chapter (1) - New Addition

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Jayden's POV

Months have passed since I took the seat of being Bloodrose's Lead Omega. And its been months since I found out that Maddison was pregnant with my pup.

To say that things have been hectic is a real understatement.

The doctor said that her pregnancy was going along great and that there aren't any complications, to my utter relief of course. But when I said that things have been hectic, I meant the things that I've been doing for my mate.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about anything. I'm completely overjoyed to be experiencing the normals of taking care of your pregnant mate.

But you could say that the things I was going through with Maddison proved a bit amusing and funny for the others who witnessed.

Like one night when I was fast asleep but then my mate woke me up saying that she wanted to eat some mangos.

I was super tired that time since I had a lot to do regarding the pack and with hee being pregnant, of course I didn't want her overextending herself cause of her duties of being Luna.

She didn't agree on laying off work but luckily I convinced her to lessen her work load.

Meaning that I'll take up some of her duties like hearing concerns from pack members. And let me tell you. With Bloodrose's population and the work I have as the pack's Lead Omega...

It can take a lot out of you even considering the fact that your a supernatural.

Going back, let me tell you that I had no freaking idea where to look for mangos at two forty five in the morning.

At first, I tried looking in our kitchen. Praying that I could find some for her so that we can go back to sleep after but of course there wouldn't be any.

Life ain't that easy.

I tried telling Maddison that I could get some for her later on that day when the stores would open, but she didn't have any of it thanks to hormones.

So with no there choice, and without even bothering to change out of my pajamas, I drove out on my motorcycle for a damn mango hunt.

I though of heading towards the closest human city which was less than an hour away from Bloodrose but another though came to mind.

Flash back

Pulling up to the side of the road, I took out my phone before scrolling through my contacts in search for a specific name.

I was really hoping that he could help me so that I wouldn't have to make the journey towards the nearby human city at this hour.

Finally, I found his name. Quickly hitting dial, I waited patiently as his phone started to ring.

It was maybe on the eleventh ring that he finally picked up his phone.

"Hello??" I hear Sebastian's groggy voice say. "Jay?? It's like, almost three in the morning. Anything wrong??"

"Got any mangos??" I asked. Going directly to the point.

"Excuse me?? Did you just say mangos??" He unsurely asked after a few seconds.

"Yeah, do you have any??" I asked again before a long yawn found its way out of me.

"Seb?? Who's that calling this early??" I hear Anna sleepily say in the background.

"It's Jay. He's asking something about mangos." My brother answered his mate.

"Yeah, I think we have some here in the packhouse. Why??" Hearing what he said was like music to my ears. At least I didn't have to make that trip to the city for that very troublesome fruit.

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