Chapter 8

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Darryl's POV

I just finished doing some paperwork in my office when the door opened and Leo walked in.

"Hey, I came to tell you something." I raised a brow at him curiously.

"And that is??" I could see the smirk that he tried to hide from me and now I could safely say that what he was about to tell me was something I was not going to like.

"Well, it's more like a warning actually." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Man just tell me already." This time his smirk came out.

"Sissy's coming home." I felt my mood drop.

"What?? When??" I groaned.

"Probably tomorrow. So you better get ready." I combed my hair before sighing out.

Leo's younger sister, Cindy was a real pain. Ever since I turned seventeen, she's always tried to seduce me into choosing her to be my mate.

Don't get me wrong, she was beautiful. Once she had blond hair like her brother but now she always dyes it so now she looks like a brunette with brown eyes.

But I only want to save myself for my mate and nothing will ever change that. I always tried to explain in to her but it seems that she's really stubborn and didn't take the hints.

"Fuck me." I groaned out in frustration cause I really didn't want to deal with her anymore.

"Sorry man but I don't roll that way." Leo said before laughing his ass off.

"C'mon man, you have to help me. I really don't want to deal with her." I almost begged him.

"Hmm let me think." He dramatically placed his pointing finger on his chin, all the while looking up as if he was really thinking about it.

"C'mon Leo, you have to." He chuckled at that.

"What's in it for me??" He asked.

"Uhm. You can help out your bestest friend from falling prey to your crazy ass sister??" I smiled.

"Tempting, but that's not enough to get my help bro." I sighed.

"Fine. You don't have to train the warriors for a week." He looked satisfied by that.

"Deal. Now that that's out of the picture, let get the hell out of this room. You need the air." I scoffed before I got up from my chair and together with Leo we walked around a bit.

"So what do you think about our new members??" I asked him.

"I think they're alright. Lorence is a great guy to hang out with but, I'm a little curious about his sister." I looked at him curiously.


"It's just that, she's so quiet all the time. Doesn't talk with anyone much. Really antisocial all in all." I chuckled.

"Wow, I didn't know you were this observant."

"I'm serious man." He said before gently nudging me.

"Look, maybe she's just shy. Have you thought of that?? They've been through so much and maybe that's also why she's like that. Just give her some time to adjust." He seemed to understand what I was saying and nodded his head.

"Hey look, it's Lorence." He said as he turned to look ahead of us. I followed his gaze and saw Lorence. And he looked like he was looking for someone.

"Hey Lorence. You okay??" I asked as we reached him.

"Oh, Good afternoon Alpha." He said with a bow and I immediately waved my hand at this.

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