Chapter 10

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Darryl's POV

I was currently watching some tv in the pride house living room when I heard footsteps coming downstairs.

"Oh, hey Alpha." Lorence walked in along with his sister and sat down on the vacant couch.

"Hey." I said as I gave them a smile.

"You look tired. Busy day huh??" I sighed out at what he said. "Oh you don't know the half of it. So much paperwork." I said as I combed my hair.

"So what have you two been up to??" I changed the subject.

"Oh.. uhm.. just walking around and talking. We're trying to know every place in the pride." I nodded.

"Well that's good. Oh yeah, Kate talked with me earlier. She wanted me to ask Rose if she wanted to hangout with her tomorrow." Lorence's sister looked surprised by this.

"Uh.. s-sure." She said.

I was then about to say something when Leo's voice came into my mind.

"Alpha, intruders have entered in our pride lands." I felt my cat stir at what he said, and my Alpha side emerged.

"Rogues?? And how many??"

"Two, Alpha. Two rogue wolves. And you've already met one of them." I sighed out as I got up from my seat.

"Everything okay Darryl??" Lorence asked as I was about to leave.

"Leo just linked me. We have two intruders in our lands. I have to go and see this problem through." Their eyes widened a little before nodding their heads.

I ran out of the pride house heading towards the woods. I decided on just running in my human form instead of shifting.

Following my friend's scent, I quickly ran through the woods and as I got closer to them I started to also pick up the scent of wolf which slightly pissed me off. I already had an idea of who it was.

And when I finally reached them, I stopped running and just walked out of the bushes and looked straight at the direction of the waiting wolves. Now, there was only one question in my mind...

What the hell do they want??

Jayden's POV

Me and Mikey stood quietly, surrounded by what I recon as the warriors of this pride.

"So... Leo was it??" The werecat beta looked at Mikey with a raised brow.

"What is it??" He asked.

"Hey, no need to be cranky. I'm just trying to make small talk." He then rolled his eyes.

"The Alpha's almost here. So if you want to talk, you can do so with him." At that, Mikey huffed.

"You're worse than Raph at the time  when Louren refuses to kiss him. And that's saying something." He looked at me as he said the last part and I shook my head at his antics.

"Excuse my little friend here. He's just bored." Mikey then looked at me.

"Little?! I'm NOT little. Far from it." I almost choked out a laugh and he must have noticed this cause the second he realized what he said he looked at me with a frown.

"That's not what I meant." He mumbled.

"Yeah??" He then sighed out.

"Lets just forget about it." I then chuckled at him.

"But I have to say. All of you have really dirty minds." He added and Leo just looked at him. Unsure on what to do while the other werecats just stayed silent.

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