Chapter 95

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Maddison's POV

Minutes after we all heard Jayden's loud howl, I walked into the ranks of our army. Looking for a particular male werecat.

"Where is he??" I asked myself.

You could guess how difficult it was to look for one person in this whole army. And plus, I couldn't look for his scent since we were all given scent concealing spray.

A few more seconds of walking and soon I found who I was looking for. And suspicious enough, I saw George walk into the forest. Careful as he was so nobody else would notice.

Except for me.

Deciding to act on my own, I quickly sped up my pace as I tried to catch up with him.

"If you are the spy, you must be headed towards Marcus to warn him." I thought, keeping my sights on him but at the same time keeping my distance so that he wouldn't notice.

He kept on looking around, probably being careful that there wasn't anyone else since he was sneaking off.

We were going farther and farther as I followed, and I myself was being careful that I wouldn't accidentally run into one of Marcus's rogues or vampires.

I was careful with my step, making sure that I wouldn't do one of those cliche scenes that I'd step on a twig, making it snap and in turn catching unwanted attention.

But as I passed by an area where crickets sang their nightly serenade, their singing stopped as well as George who noticed this sudden change.

Quickly moving to hide behind a tree, I managed to keep myself from being seen as the werecat look behind him.

I didn't dare sneak a peak for he could still well be looking at my direction so I hid for a few more seconds before taking the chance.

Slowly, I peaked out my head but was shocked to see that he wasn't there anymore.

"Shit!!" I mentally cursed. "It'll be difficult to find him in this darkness since I can't even scent him out."

"Maybe it'd be better if we get back and tell dad and Garreth??" Fia suggested.

"We have no other choice. If we're right and George is the spy, then we better tell then that he might very well be on his way to tell Marcus about our location."

"Care to tell why you're here??" A sudden voice said, making me jump out since it came from behind me.

"Damn it."  I thought when I saw who it came from.

"George. I should ask you the same thing." I said, looking into his eyes as I felt that he was a bit weary.

"Where are you headed?? It seemed like you were going somewhere." I add, watching him closely in case he made a move against me.

"Nothing in particular." He said, intensely looking at me for a moment. "You alright?? You seem a bit tense, Maddison."

"Just peachy. You know, with the whole fight that's about to happen. This might be our last chance to stop Marcus." I said.

"Then why change the plan all of a sudden??" He questioned. "We were suppose to approach the camp from the east. This area is definitely not east of the camp."

"There's a spy." I answer. I knew that it was risky, but if George was the spy then I bet mentioning this would definitely get a reaction from him.

"A spy??" He mumbled out. "Who?? Do you know who he is??" He took a step towards me which in turn made me step back.

And he didn't miss this.

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