Chapter 64

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Jayden's POV

My mate and I looked at Miya carefully. Catching her scent, it was then that I realized something.

"You're part of the northern group of rogues." I stated before her eyes went to me wearily.

"I am. But you have to believe me, many of us want nothing from this war. We're only following what our leader is ordering us to do." She quickly explained.

"Who's your leader??" Maddison asked her.

"His name is John. John Colson. He and his mate lead the alphas of the group." Tracy and Leo stood quietly beside Miya while Darryl was in the sidelines.

But when I heard what Miya had said, I could help but think that the name sounded familiar. Though I can't be that sure yet.

"And John agreed to side with Marcus. What does he gain out of helping him??" My mate added another question.

"Marcus promised that if we helped him fight you, we'd have a place in what he plans."

"Typical." Maddison mumbled before turning to me. " Jay, are you okay??"

"The name. John. Do you know his mate's name??" I asked as she thought for a minute.

"I think.. I her name was..Taylah... Taysha.. no. Taylor. Taylor... Yeah her name was Taylor. Taylor Hill." Just hearing her name pissed me off. But now, I knew for sure that Taylor was the mate of the rogue leader who's helping Marcus.

"So she's his mate." Maddison mumbled, trying to take im this information.

"Yes. And she was the one who found out that Leo was mine. And since then, they've been blackmailing him into giving them information about you guys. Cause... Cause if not..." Leo then moves to comfort her.

"They said that they'll hurt her if I didn't. I'm really sorry Jayden but I had no choice. I couldn't let them hurt her." Leo finished for her.

Hearing this, my anger towards Leo lessened a bit. I was still pissed that he betrayed us but he did it to save his mate. Anyone would have done what he did if it meant the safety of the one he loved.

"How did you get involved in this Tracy??" I asked her.

"I saw Leo talking with someone in the woods. One of Marcus's rogues. He was giving them files about our patrol schedules." She started. "At first, I was going to tell Darryl and you guys but Leo saw me after the rogue left. He then explained everything to me. I helped him cause... I saw how he truly cared and loved Miya."

"We're here cause we wanted to explain this to you. We wanted you to know that we are more than willing to help you get Lucas back." Looking at Leo, I could see that he truly was guilty of what he did, but after hearing the real reason as to why he had done it I knew that he could be given another chance.

Though that doesn't mean that he'll have my full trust back instantly.

"I understand." I say to them. "I still don't trust you both but, I'll accept your help. And plus, I would have done the same if I were in you place." I said, looking at my mate who gave me a small smile.

"Thank you Jay. I promise that we'll do everything we can to help. We've already explained what we know with Darryl. But we have to talk with the others as well including the council and pack alphas. We have to tell them before planning on what our next move would be."

"That may be more difficult than you thought, Leo." Darryl said to his friend. "

"What do you mean??" Tracy asked.

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