Chapter 17

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Lorence's POV

I was walking through the pride house when I saw a familiar brunette that I yesterday sitting on the couch. I think she was Leo's sister.

"Uhm excuse me, but can I ask you something??" She turned to a and shrugged slightly.

"What is it??" She asked with a bored expression.

"I just wanted to ask if you saw my sister anywhere??" She then raised a brow at me.

"I don't even know you or who your sister are. How could I possibly know where she is??" She then rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh, my name's Lorence and my sister's name is Rose. We're new in the pride." I explained after introducing myself.

"Oh, well that figures why I don't know you. Anyways, what does she look like??" She asked.

"Well to put it bluntly, she just looks like a female version of me. Same dark hair, same dark eyes. Oh and she's about this high." I then raised my hand to my ear.

"You know I think I saw a girl like that who went to talk to Leo after I guess is that she went with him to the werewolf capital." She said before looking back to her phone.

"What?! She did?!" I said in surprise.

"Yup. Now that I think about it, she was with Kate when they left."

I was shocked. And she must have noticed this cause then she said...

"Wait, don't tell me that she didn't tell you??" She then let out a soft laugh.

"No she didn't. Thanks, I gotta go." I was about to leave when she stopped me.

"You're gonna go there aren't you??" She then got up and gave me a smile. "I'll come with you."

I was a bit unsure about letting her come with me but I just agreed with her cause right I just wanted to get there as soon as I can.

Jayden's POV

It was already late in the afternoon when we had the meeting together with Luther and the werewolf council.

After explaining everything to them, they were surprised and clearly shocked in knowing that Marcus plans to use the Tear of the Goddess against us.

"If that's what Marcus plans on doing then this is a very serious matter. Not only would we be completely defenseless against him but with that stone Marcus would have the power to take over the supernatural world easily." Luther explained to us. "Was there anything else that he said??"

"No. That's all. That and that he needs Jayden and mine's pup to be the sacrifice." I let out a growl as I turned to look at Taylor, giving her a hateful glare.

"He won't get anywhere near my pup." I said pulling Lucas closer to me.

"But who's to say that he won't just use another innocent pup to take Lucas's place??" Nathan asked.

"Using the stone is more complicated than it seems Nathan." Sebastian stood as he opened up a very old looking book.

"I found this in the library. It talks about the stone and on how it works. And it says that any pup just would do. It needs to be the same as that in the tales. The male wolf had his pup with a female who wasn't his mate. And Lucas is the only pup that Marcus fits the description." My brother explained and I clenched my fists as my son was now pulled into this dangerous situation.

"Then we must protect Lucas at all cost." This time it was Rick who said this.

"That's why I'm here. I'd never let Marcus anywhere near him."

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