Chapter 67

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Jayden's POV

Walking  out of the silence filled room of the council, I turned towards Garreth and the others.

"I have to tell you all something. Let's go back to the study." They didn't say another word and just nodded their heads as they followed me.

Weary eyes of the pack wolves followed me. Unknown to them of the massacre that their alphas are going to face in one day's time.

When we got back, I saw my mate sitting with her mom and brother. And when she saw me, she gave me a smile but it slowly fell upon seeing my solemn expression.

"Is something wrong??" She asked just as my dad closed the door.

Mikey, Maddison, my mom and the others that didn't follow me in the council room looked at me a bit confused while Garreth and the others waited patiently for me to tell them on what had happened.

Finally, I just decided on going directly to the point...

"The packs and along with the council plan on attacking Marcus's camp a day from now." And to say they were shocked was an utter understatement.

"What?? They found the location??" Mikey asked.

"Apparently, they did." Timothy stepped up. "Alpha Nick says that he had found Marcus's encampment somewhere im the western part of the Neutral Lands."

Hearing this, Maddison turned to me. She didn't have to say anything for me to understand what she was asking me.

"It's a trap." Timothy turned to me, a bit confused.

"A trap?? Are you sure??" He asked.

"Very, Alpha." I said. " Because Marcus's encampment isn't in the west. It's in the north. Marcus set them up. He wanted them to think that they found his camp. He wanted them to attack and he knew that they would."

"H-How do you know that Marcus's camp is in the north, son??" My dad asked me. Looking around, I didn't notice that Darryl was also there. Giving me a meaningful look.

Sighing out, I said. "You all remember when Darryl called me today?? When Maddison and I went to meet him, he wasn't exactly alone. Leo and Tracy were also there. Along with them, a stranger. Leo's mate, Miya."

"Leo?? What was he doing here??" Jacob voiced with a bit of anger.

"They came to explain some things. Apparently, Leo had no other choice but to betray us. Marcus blackmailed him to help his cause by threatening his mate. Tracy on the other hand, helped cause she was concerned for Leo." Shocked could be read on their expressions.

"And.. And they were the ones who told you of the real location of Marcus's camp." Nathan stated and I gave a nod.

"How do we know that they aren't lying??" Brody asked.

"I was there." Darryl answered. "And other than just being my Beta, Leo's also my best friend. I would have known if he was lying when he explained it to us."

"If that's the case then we should tell them." Maddison's mom, Christina, pointed out.

"No." I said, making them all turn to me.

"Jayden, we have to. If it is a trap then they'll be massacred. Many wolves will die." My mom pushed.

"Mom if they knew that I got the information from Leo and Tracy, they won't believe me. They think they're traitors, remember?? But I tried. I tried to reason with them. I tried to tell them that the decision to attack isn't right. But still, they refused." I said, before sighing out.

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