Chapter 9

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Jayden's POV

Everyone in the room gave me their undivided attention. The Alpha I had in my hold a few seconds gave me a weary look as he sat back down ok his seat by the table which I broke during our little scene.

"You're all right." I started. "The wolves that attacked your packs were rogues." They all stayed quiet as a I chuckled before continuing.

"But to say that we has something to do with it??" I scoffed. "Well that's just plain idiotic. It's either that you're all dumber than you all look or because you're all just looking for something to blame."

"We aren't the only rogue group out there. Did y'all ever think about that before you started yapping??" I saw some of them avoiding eye contact with me.

"The Northern Rogue group. They're responsible for the attacks. And I really don't want to say this but it looks like that they've chosen to join Marcus's side." This time, Rick voiced out.

"What can you tell us about the rogue group Jayden??" By the looks on the other's faces, they were just as curious as he was.

"I'll let Alpha Garreth explain that to you all since he knows more information on them than I do." I looked at Garreth as he got up from his seat.

"They're a really powerful rogue group. And very secretive. Up until now, I didn't have any idea on how many they were. But now I can say that they greatly out number us. In the past I've always tried to create a treaty with them but they've always denied my requests. I have yet met an Alpha from their group since they only sent messengers if we communicate."

"What could be their reason for joining Marcus's side instead of their own kind??" One of the alphas asked.

"That is because unlike us they despise you all." Garreth said as he looked at Rick in the eyes. "They've always hated you pack wolves. Especially the council. All of the rogue related attacks that happened are cause of them."

"But is that really a good enough reason to help in the extinction of your own race??" Another alpha voiced his opinion.

"We have no way of finding that out for now. What we really have to think of is a plan on what to do about their new found alliance."

"What can we do??" Rick asked. "All of our forces have been greatly thinned. And now that we don't have enough warriors to guard the cities, it'll only be a matter of time before Marcus's vampires will grow in numbers."

"Which is why we need to ask for help." I cut in.

"Ask help?? From who??" One of the councilmen asked curiously.

"Well the last that I knew of, we weren't the only supernatural beings." They seemed to realize what I was trying to say.

"We've already tried to ask the other races for help months ago. What makes you think they'll help us now??"

"Well for one, this concerns them as well. Marcus now plans on taking over the supernatural world which they're apart of. Once we fall they'll be like dominos as Marcus and those rogues will pick them off one by one. And you all know, that with Marcus's powers and the fact that the rogues have sided with them, that wouldn't be impossible." I looked at them as they all seemed to be in a very deep thought.

"And second..." I smiled at them. "When you asked them for help, you asked them nicely. I however will not take no as an answer from them."

"What do you mean??"

"I'm going to do everything I can to make them help us." I added.

"Are you sure you can do this Jay??" Timothy asked me.

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