Chapter 110

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3rd person's POV

Somewhere deep within the dark woods, far from the noise and sounds of conflict.

Multiple figures resided. Two of which were resting, for one was fatigued and the other wounded. The rest, stood guard as to make sure that no enemy wound surprise them with an attack.

"Julius, how are you feeling??" Elise questioned her friend. Concerned of his well-being. But the said warlock gave out a soft chuckle as he turned to look at his long close friend.

"I think I should be the one asking you that Elise." He mused with a small smile on his face. " But I'm fine. I could feel my strength coming back to me." Just as he answered, his smile slowly faded as he seemed to be then in deep thought.

"Though I am concerned of the happening in that field. It had been a while since we heard from them and the last time they did, they informed that the plan didn't actually go that smoothly." Elise, feeling her own strength coming back to her, slowly got up from where she was and sat down beside the warlock.

Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, she tried to assure him that everything would be alright. And that they should trust Jayden and the others would succeed in the end.

That seemed to have lifted the warlock's spirit, but not before the sinking feeling had returned. And along with it, a feeling that something terribly wrong had happened.

He could feel a tightness in his chest, along with a pinching feeling on his heart. A feeling of loss, though it confused the warlock as to what it had meant.

"Julius." The witch tried to call his attention, but the latter could only feel the sinking feeling within him growing. "Julius you have to-"

"Something's wrong." He cut her off. Feeling his heartbeat quickening as the seconds passed. "I-I don't know but... I have to go to that field."

He said as he got up from his seat. And with that, a sudden scene flashed within the warlocks mind. Which only made his feelings morph into that of fear for the unknown reason of what the scene had meant.

A scene of his son, Tobias, as he held him in his arms as an infant. The slight cries he gave out as Julius tried to put him back to sleep.

Flash back

"There there Tobias. Papa is here. No need to cry." He coed. Giving his son a light kiss on his forehead which somehow calmed the infant down as he slowly went back to sleep.

Seeing this, a smile broke out of the warlock's face as he gaze upon his son with nothing else but love and care.

Right then and there, he promised himself that he will do whatever it takes to protect him. Even at the expense of his own life.

He'd willingly do anything, just to see his son be happy. He'd love him. Guide him. Protect him. Watch him grow as a man and soon find love. He'd watch him be happy as he'd start his own family.

But right now, he'll just enjoy looking at his son as he slept in his arms.

"I promise that I'll always be there for you Tobias."

End of flash back

Snapping out of his thoughts, Julius didn't realize that some tears had trickled down his cheeks. He doesn't even know why, but with the growing fear with him along with the sense that something was terribly wrong and that it concerned his son, the warlock felt nothing but panic starting to rise.

"Julius you have to calm down. If we head towards the field right now in our state, that'll only put others at risk if they try to protect us." She reason, but at that moment only one thing was on the warlock's mind.

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