Chapter 123

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Jayden's POV

Time skip

Its been three days since everyone was given the chance by the Goddess to say our last goodbyes to our fallen friends and loved ones.

Things in the capital were still a bit glum but still it was slowly getting better.

Mom still cries sometimes. Calling out for dad in a broken state. But me and my brother always made sure that we were there for her.

She's been spending more time with Lucas lately and I could see that she was slowly starting to heal.

The werecats and casters had now took all of their dead and wounded back to their kingdoms the day after. And Jacob had to go back with his dad for some duties he had to do being the Werecat Prince.

Darryl is still here along with Leo, Cindy, Tract, Julius, Tobias, Aiden and Joey but they were all going home later on today.

It's going to be a bit hard saying goodbye to them. Cause after all the time that we've stayed together, we've all grown pretty close.

So all in all, things were slowly getting back to normal.

Some of the wolf packs whose territories were destroyed are still staying here in the capital who promised to help them rebuild but many of the remaining packs have already travelled back to their own territories.

The three days were spent with some celebrations on the victory we had. And I was more than happy to see rogues and pack wolves getting along very well.

Nick and the other alphas were still a problem but who cares about them. Right now, the age old feud between rogues and pack wolves was forgotten.

And hopefully, it will never again come to be.

"Hey." I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my mate sitting down beside me on the grass.

We were in the capital's garden where we could see beautiful flowers blooming in the heat of this beautiful day.

"Hey." I answered her with a smile on my face.

"Darryl's about to leave with the others and so are Julius. Wanna go and send them off??" She asked before lying her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah. We should probably go and make sure that Mikey and Cindy don't go on in their last minute fights." I mused.

"I guess we should." She chuckled before helping me up. "You know, I'm starting to think that I'm gonna lose the bet."

"Oh I know you will. So you better ready that cash."

"Hey, there's still like less than two years left before we find out. Who knows, maybe I'm right." I jokingly scoffed out at that.

"In your dreams Wisepup. That cash is as good as mine."

"Just come on before they leave already." She said as she playfully rolled her eyes before pulling me by my arm.

We went back in and I went to hold my mate's hand which made her give me one of her beautiful smiles.

"Lucas seems to like spending time with mom. Don't you think??" I asked cause a while ago, mom asked me if she could spend the day with Lucas.

"Yeah. So get ready to have a spoilt baby on your hands." She joked.

"Honestly, I don't think he'll be any more spoilt than when he's with you." 

"Well you can't exactly do anything when he looks at you with that innocently cute face of his." She defended before the both of us let out a chuckle.

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