Chapter 22

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3rd person's POV

Silence was eminent, as two strangers walked in the dark woods in the dead of night.

"Brody. Hey Brody!! We should really be getting back to town." One of them said to his companion.

"Just shut it alright Cole?? We'll get back to town as soon as I see what's so scary about these woods."

"Well now you know. C'mon man this place is giving me the creeps." At this, Brody just gave his friend a chuckle.

"Don't be such a pussy Cole. I mean c'mon, you really think this is scary?? Look in a mirror. You'll see something even more frightening." He said before letting out a soft laugh.

"Gee, thanks. But seriously man, this place is dangerous. You already know how many people disappeared in these woods." Brody just scoffed at what his friend said.

"Look, I bet that those people that disappeared just ran away or something. Don't believe everything you hear."

"What about the wolves that they say killed them. That ate them." At this, Cole seemed even more afraid as he scanned his eyes around, looking out for danger while Brody just rolled his eyes at him.

"I've lived in this town all my life man. And I have never seen a wolf in these woods. Not even once. So I really doubt that there are bloodthirsty wolves here alright??" He said before walking a bit faster while his friend walked behind him.

"And besides, we'll be out of here in a minute so don't worry you little scaredy cat." He chuckled out.

Brody didn't hear his friend's reply and this made him roll his eyes again. "What?? Giving me the silent treatment now??"

But then again there was no answer from Cole. "What are you, a girl?? Stop being such a coward man."

Again there was no answer and this was starting to irritate Brody, but also he was starting to feel bad that he was making his bestfriend go through this knowing that he'd be scared shitless.

"Ugh fine!!" He exclaimed as he stopped. "Alright!! Lets go ba..."

He stopped his sentence when he turned back to see that Cole wasn't behind him.

"Cole??" He shined his flashlight around to try and find his friend.

"C'mon man this isn't funny!!" He said loudly, still trying to find him.

And then a loud snap of a twig was heard nearby, making the young boy jump.

"Stop fucking around Cole!!! Come out  right now!!" Another snap was heard, but this time it seemed closer.

"If I get my damn hands on you I'll fuck you up!!" He warned as he kept shining his light everywhere.

"Cole!!" He again tried to call out.

"C'mon man. Alright you win!!! Come out and we'll head home!!"

No answer...

Instead, another twig snap was heard making the young teen jump in fright.

"Stop fucking around!!!" He screamed out, thinking that his friend was still playing with him.

And then, an eerie silence came.

Nothing. Not even the crickets made a sound as if they were in hiding upon sensing a nearing danger.

A rustling of bushes pulled on the teen's attention. "Cole??"

He then slowly started walking towards the bush. "Cole, are you alright??"

No answer came to his question, and this worried him.

Realize : A Twist of Fate| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now