Chapter 124

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Jayden's POV

Time skip

Fates are a real bitch. All my life, they'd been nothing but cruel to me, throwing problem after problem my way.

And sometimes that makes me wonder if they are really doing it to help us or they just find it entertaining to watch us suffer.

But in my case, I became stronger cause of the problems I faced. I got to be the wolf I am today because of them. And after everything that came and went, I never would've thought that I'd be where I am right now.

"Hey Jay, what's with the long face??" I was snapped out of my thoughts and gave Mikey a shrug while we sat and ste with the others on the table.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about something." I say.

He gave me a questioning brow for a few seconds before scoffing out a smile.

"You thinking that you should've accepted Rick's proposal of becoming King??" He asked. "Dude, that's not something that they'd give just to anyone. I still don't know why you refused."

It's been about two weeks since we had that meeting. About two weeks since I refused the council's proposal of making me the Werewolf King. At first they along with the alphas were shocked by my refusal, but in the end they came to accept my answer seeing as I had no intention of changing my mind.

"I have my reasons for refusing. And I don't regret my decision Mikey." I said.

"But still. When we heard about it, we really would have thought you'd accept." Raph said as he joined in on the conversation.

"I don't need that kind of responsibility. The council's being too hard on themselves. They weren't wrong when they said that the problem lied in the power struggle of some of the alphas but I know that they'll be able to handle it."

Even though I said that, there was an underlying sense of doubt that I had towards what I had said. But even if that was so, I still knew that I wasn't the right one for the position.

Not since I saw that scene in my head.

You see, the night when the Goddess gave us that chance to say goodbye to our loved ones, before dad disappeared along with the others, the Goddess had showed me something. A vision if you'd say.

And I still remember it perfectly.

Flash back

Knowing that dad had at least heard my last words for him was somewhat comforting. At least he knew just how much I loved him along with mom and my brother.

But just as I was still accepting the fact that he was truly gone, I was suddenly thrown into a scene in my mind.

And it wasn't something that I'd want to see.

Bodies upon bodies of dead wolves lied on the ground. The image as gruesome as the aftermath of the battle we had against Marcus.

Suddenly, a figure stood a few feet in front of me with a dying wolf in hand.

It tried to get away from the figure, but then it came to know that it has no chance of doing so. In the end, the wolf looked up to stare at the figure in the eyes. And with his last breath he choked out lowly...

"F-For the K-King."

The figure's gaze slowly turned towards my direction as he dropped the now dead body to the ground.

A low growl emitted from him as his eyes glared upon me with pure hatred. Hearing the danger, I shifted my stance to ready myself from the possible attack. As I did, I was then surprised when his blood red eyes turned brightly silver.

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