Chapter 34

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Jayden's POV

The next morning, we had left early to go back to the town of Hollow. The car ride was fairly quiet for I recon that they were a bit concerned of what might happen today.

Upon reaching town, Brody started giving us directions to where they had entered the forest.

He was actually directing us a few kilometers out of town. And when he finally told us to stop the car, we all did and got out in our respective groups.

"You enter Lunari pack lands in a few minutes walk into the forest from here." Tobias informed.

"This is where me and Cole left our car. We went into the forest from here. It was just about a half an hour walk until we got attacked." Listening to what he said, I turned to look into the forest and nodded my head.

"Alright. Lets head in. And remember when we do meet them, everybody stay close. We don't know how they'll react." I instructed and they all nodded their heads in agreement.

"I also suggest that when things do go a bit sour, start thinking of ways on how to get away." Tobias voices and looked at me confused when I gave out a slight chuckle at a sudden thought.

"What??" He asked.

"Nothing. I just thought that that's what my enemies usually do when they meet me." I could hear some chuckles sounding but Tobias and the two other warlocks only had their eyes wide at what I said.

"Jayden they are not your enemy here." Tobias immediately said making me scoff.

"I know. I'm just saying. Lets just go, okay?? I promise I'll behave."

Garreth's POV

I was currently helping Nathan out with the training of the packs. The Bloodrose along with the Silver Moon and Moonstone were tasked by the council to help train the other packs for they said that ours were one of the best warriors our kind had.

"Alpha." I looked to see James walking towards me. "The council has tasked me to tell you that King Luther of the werecats has arrived and are now in the council room."

"Alright, I'll head there now. Thank you James." Turning back to Nathan I told him that I he was in charge while I was gone before walking off to meet with the king and the other alphas.

"Garreth, I see you're on your way to meet with the others. Why do you think he's arrived here for??" Timothy asked as we made our way through the hallway.

"Probably to check on things, like his son for instance. How were things in the patrol??"

"Good. We've covered a lot of area with the help of the werecats. But I can't help the feeling that things are just to quiet." He said.

"If something does happen, we'll be ready." He nodded his head at this. And with that, we made our way to the council room.

Opening the door, we were greeted by the Alphas and Betas of the packs along with the werewolf council and the Werecat King.

"Sorry for the wait." I said.

"No worries Alpha. I have simply just came here to see if everything was going alright. And to see if there is anything else I could do to help. " We both sat down as we listened to what the king had said.

"Also, I've tasked the werecat prides to send in more of their warriors to guard the human cities. We'll try our best in keeping Marcus's vampire away."

"Thank you for your help your highness. That would really be of great help to us." Rick said as we all bowed in respect and for the help King Luther has given.

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