Chapter 18

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Jayden's POV

After spending some time with Lucas along with Rose who stayed with us at the garden, since it was starting to get dark we decided to head on inside.

When we closed the door, we were met with some loud talking nearby. Curious, we went to see what was going on and was met with Leo who seemed to be talking with a familiar looking brunette.

"I fucking told you not to come here!!" I recognized Leo's voice. And by the sound of it, he was really upset.

"Ugh whatever. I was bored and..." She stopped when she saw me and gave me what she thought was a flirtatious smile.

"Well it's really nice to see you again." Lucas started crying as she stood in front of me, puffing out her breasts thinking that I'll fall for that.

"Cute pup." She said as she looked at Lucas for a second before turning back to me. "What's his name??"

"Cindy just go back to Clawtooth. We don't need you here." Leo said with clenched teeth.

"Shut it Leo. You may be the Beta but I'm your sister, and I can do whatever I want." The werecat beta let out a low growl at the disrespect she showed him.

"I think I should go." Rose turned to walk away and I could have sworn I saw her glaring daggers at Cindy before going.

"So..." I looked back at this thing in front of me. "Mind showing me around here??"

"Fucking slut." Ros's voice came to my mind. "Get her away from us. I don't want to catch cooties."

"What are you, 8??" He gave me a low growl. "Just shoo her off before I barf from the strong perfume she's wearing."

"I have more important things to do. So go bother someone else." I say to her bluntly.

"Oh c'mon. Don't be like that." She said as she placed her hand on my arm.

I gave her a growl as I was really losing my patience with her at this moment. "What part of not interested don't you fucking understand??"

"If you want to stay here, then stay. Just don't cause trouble, and don't bother me." I didn't wait for her reply as I just walked away.

Lorence's POV

The first thing I did when I stepped into the werewolf capital was trying to locate her scent.

Leaving that Cindy girl, I tried tracking her down. I tried asking the Clawtooth members who were here if they saw her but it proved difficult since they weren't that familiar with us yet.

"Lorence, is that really you??" Kate came up to me with a smile. "Hey Kate. Have you seen my sister Rose anywhere??"

She thought for a moment. "I think I saw her at the garden with one of the wolves that came to the pride house earlier. Just go straight down the hall then go right. You should see the garden then."

After thanking her, I went down the hall as she said before going right. I then caught her scent as I neared the garden.

"Rose!!" I called when I saw her pass by.

She immediately stopped in her tracks as she looked at me with surprised eyes."

"L-Lorence. What are you doing here??" She asked.

"I should be the one asking that to you. What were you thinking?? We can't be here. We still have something to do remember??" I whisper yelled at her.

"I know, and I'm really sorry. But.." she stopped when we heard someone close by.

Jayden walked in carrying his pup. He eyed us curiously. "Hey. I'm sorry but, I haven't gotten your name."  He said as he looked at me.

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