Chapter 33

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Raphael's POV

The look on his face says it all...

Total horror.

Well, maybe it was sort of my fault. I mean, telling a human that he was gonna die was not one of my brightest ideas. So before he could start panicking, I tried making him understand what I really meant.

"Give me your hand for a second." I instructed as I put the container that the guard gave me with the other materials.

Brody still seemed a bit scared but followed what I asked and slowly stretched his hand towards me.

Taking his hand, I placed it on my chest which startled him a bit.

"Don't worry, I'm already taken." I joked to try and calm him down a bit.

"Tell me Brody. What do you feel??" I asked him.

He stayed quiet for a few seconds as he eyed his hand which was on my chest before looking up and meeting my gaze.

"Nothing. Y-You have no heartbeat." With that I nodded my head as I let go of his hand.

"Exactly. Vampires don't have heartbeats cause technically, we're dead." I shrugged and explained as I went back to the task at hand.

"W-What is that??" I hear him ask me while looking at the container the guard gave me a while ago.

"Well, after you turn you're going to be a bit thirsty." I saw him visibly gulp when I said this.

"Y-You mean.. that's.."

"Blood." I finish the sentence for him. "But don't worry cause it ain't human blood. I'm going to teach you to drink this instead. Animal blood." I think he was about to say something when he suddenly let out a loud scream.

"It's g-getting hard to b-breath." He choked out.

I went back to his side and took a chair to sit on.

"It's gonna be fine Brody. It's all gonna be over soon." He was now covered in his sweat as he got even paler that a while ago.

Listening to his heart, it's like it was in overdrive as it's beats got even faster than before.

He let out another scream as he suddenly grabbed my hand to which I let him.

He had a really tight grip as he squeezed my hard very hard but with me being a vampire, it was nothing.

His breathing was getting heavier by the second as he was now om the very verge of his transition.

"I-I'm...I-I'm.." he tried to say but I used my other hand and placed it on his head, giving him a smile.

"You're not alone." I say to him before his grip loosened as he took his last breath.

His last breath, of being a human.

Letting go of his hand, I got up from my chair and went to prepare when he turns.

Taking the animal blood, I poured a good amount on the empty glass I had with me. And taking hold of the knife, I breathed out as I made a elongated cut on my left palm.

My blood started to drip from the cut and I quickly took the glass with the animal blood and mixed my own with it.

For you see, I have read from certain vampire books that when a newly turned vampire drinks blood for the very first time and if said blood was that of another vampire's, the owner of that blood would gain some small degree of control over the newly turned.

Don't get me wrong, I do not wish for him to be under my control forever. I can release him anytime I want but I will only do that when I am truly sure that he is of no threat to anyone first.

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